ARBN 679434649

Jane Guthrie

Jane Guthrie – Bio


Jane Guthrie, Prof. Member DTAA, MCSP; B.App.Sc (Phty); M. Ed; Grad. Dips. Movement and Dance and Rehabilitation Studies, Dance Therapy Cert. (Madden Grove Foundation), and Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), is a Physiotherapist who uses dance therapy in physical rehabilitation. She specialised in application with traumatic head injury, is experienced in all areas of physical rehabilitation, pain management, application in permanent care hospital wards, Day Activity Hospitals and Centres, and with children with special needs, Jane is active in the professional association, the DTAA of which she is the current president, has lectured in Laban Movement Analysis in the dance therapy courses offered at RMIT. She can offer supervision, particularly related to dmt with neurological problems and application of LMA and the Bartenieff Fundamentals from a developmental perspective.

Jane Guthrie, founding member of the association, longstanding member of the HEMF Committee and immediate Past President, was honoured at a special meeting of members on 15 December 2015.
For more than 30 years Jane has been a stalwart in promoting and growing the profession of dance movement therapy in Australasia, through her own work as a dance movement therapist in a physiotherapy context, through her work in dance movement therapy education and through the multiple roles she has taken on within the DTAA community. The DTAA acknowledges and honours Jane as a dedicated and hard working member of the Association with the award of Honorary Life Member and the following citation.

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‘From little things big things grow’

Edition: 2016 Vol. 13 Nos. 3-4

‘Broadening the Spectrum’ of dance movement therapy (DMT) with other expressive arts (DTAA conference theme, July, 2015, Melbourne), inspired the authors to present an experiential deeply enriched by other arts modalities. They were curious to know at what point a single modal DMT approach, supported by other expressive arts, could change into a multi – modal expressive arts approach (McNiff, 2009). Although they feel that therapists should have expertise in more than one modality to enable them to work in a truly multi – modal way, they found that they could successfully broaden their own work by collaborating with peers from varied backgrounds. Their ideas about single and multi – model approaches are highlighted.

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The Embodied Protégé: Fifty Years of a Moving Legacy

Edition: 2016 Vol. 13 Nos. 3-4

A panel presentation moderated by Dr Marcia B. Leventhal, at the 4th DTAA Conference.

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Australian Dance Movement Therapy: gradual change over time

Edition: 2015 Vol. 13 Nos. 1-2

The following presentation was made at the ADTA conference in San Diego, California, in October 2015. Jane Guthrie represented Australia on the International Panel who were asked to respond to the question: “What causes intense interest in DMT in your country?” Her presentation drew on the content of the panel presentation she was involved in earlier in the year, together with Tony Norquay, Jennifer Helmich and Virginia Woods. This was at the Australasian DTAA Conference, Broadening the Spectrum in July 2015, in Melbourne. From this earlier conference panel, the presenters have developed their views on the topics discussed into an article soon to be published. The presentation Jane made at the ADTA conference showcased the work of four Australian practitioners involved in diversified practice. To her this answered the question for the International panel members of causes of intense interest in DMT in Australia.

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Dance movement therapy in Australasia: 21st century

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 4

Keywords: dance movement therapy, contemporary image, unique skills, exibility, improvisation, future directions

Page #: 124

Developed from a plenary panel presentation made by the authors at the Dance Therapy Association of Australasia’s Conference, Melbourne, 2015, this article centres around the belief that if dance movement therapists adopt a more contemporary image they could t into a wider range of opportunities for dance movement therapy practice. The authors expand on a ‘contemporary image’ of dance movement therapy and the reasons why they see the need for one at this time. Global trends, identi ed from recent international conference presentations (American Dance Therapy Association 2014, and European Association of Dance Movement Therapists 2014), are drawn on to support the ideas presented and personal authors’ stories are used for further illustration. The views of the wider dance movement therapy community on the subject of ‘contemporary images’ are included, as drawn from a survey undertaken during the conference plenary panel session and questionnaire completed at a later date. A further perspective is included, from the moderator of the discussion. The various viewpoints are drawn together to suggest ideas for expansion of dance movement therapy in Australasia in the future.



Movement and Dance Therapy in Head Injury: and evaluation

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 2

Keywords: Movment and Dance Therapy, Head Injury, rehabilitation, holistic, movement range, flexibility, adaptability, postural awareness

Page #: 24

This paper was developed from research into the effectiveness of a movement and dance therapy (MDT) program in head injury rehabilitation, where a mixed method enquiry was conducted into the relationship between MDT and movement quality and control. The results suggested that a cause and effect relationship was established, although the sample size prevents generalisation of the results to the head injury population. The paper highlights that, despite the physical focus of the study, support also emerged for application of MDT as an holistic approach to bring about change in all domains, not just physical.

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Creative Dance in Rehabilitation

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 1

Keywords: creative dance, rehabilitation, assessment, Laban movement analysis, evaluation

Page #: 24

The article provides a series of guidelines and recommendations around working with dance movement and creative dance with clients recovering in a rehabilitation setting. It includes a discussion of important considerations for group selection, and assessment strategies useful for planning. As well as conventional physical and psycho-social assessments the author discusses the utility of Laban movement analysis as a fundamental basis for program planning. Recommendations for program evaluation are also offered.

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The Road Ahead: Global Trends in Dance Movement Therapy

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

global trends, dance movement therapy, career structure, wage classi cations, professional advancement, alliances

Page #: 28

This paper presents a global perspective of the dance movement therapy (dmt) profession as drawn from a survey comparing six other countries with Australia. The responses indicate various pathways taken for professional advancement, with the choice dependent on different influences within each country. The complexities that surround the decision making process for the choice of pathway for Australia are discussed, and comparisons are made between the profession in Australia and the countries surveyed. The importance of training in achieving professional recognition is highlighted and alliances with other organisations suggested for career advancement purposes.


Evaluation of a Movement and Dance Program in Head Injury Rehabilitation

Edition: 2004 Vol. 1 No. 1 Vol. 3 No. 4

head injury, rehabilitation, movement range, adaptability, postural awareness, movement confidence

This is an excerpt from the content:

This thesis reports on the application of Movement and Dance therapy (MDT) in head injury rehabilitation. The research adopted a mixed method approach to examine whether a cause and effect relationship could be established between MDT and movement quality and control. Sub categories of questions posed related to whether MDT could increase movement range; adaptability to the environment; postural awareness and alignment, and movement confidence (p. 21). [/not_logged_in]

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Impressions: The 45th ADTA Conference in Brooklyn, New York City

Edition: 2010 Vol. 9 Nos. 1-2

mirror neurons, Labananalysis, limbic system, brain lateralisation, multimodal, trauma

The 45th ADTA Conference “Creating the Mind-Body Mosaic: Theory, Research, and Practice in Dance/Movement Therapy”, 2010 is described by Jane, covering the keynote address and international panel, the conference highlights and special events – with a more in-depth discussion of her attendance at the following workshops: ‘Embodied Neurobiology with Kalila’ presented by B. Homann, ‘Dance/Movement/Word Therapy: Dance Activism for Human Rights and Social Change’ presented by Bonnie Bernstein and ‘Gene Expression and Neuroplasticity: Implications for Dance/Movement Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease, presented by Lora Wilson Mau. (pp 55-59)


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Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 3-4


This includes excerpts from the content:

This pre-conference workshop was a part of the ADTA 46th Annual Conference, “Collaborations, Different Identities, Mutual Paths‟ held in October 20 – 23, 2011 in Minneapolis. Jane reflects on her attendance at the workshop ‘Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in the Treatment of Eating Disorders’, led by Susan Kleinman, who specialises in the treatment of eating disorders. The workshop focussed on using dance movement therapy principles as a basis for body/mind exercises to “integrate a more embodied approach into traditional psychotherapy theory and practice”. The article outlines Susan’s approach and framework with key concepts imperative to her practice including embodying ways of being that are more connected with one’s selves. Other resources such as ‘focused journaling’ are discussed and a reading list is provided for delving more deeply into this material. (pp 51-52)

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Moving On journal: Special Issue: Focus on Dr. Marcia B. Leventhal Volume 11, No. 1-2

Edition: 2013 Vol. 11 Nos. 1-2

Edited by Jane Guthrie with Naomi Aitchison and others

This collection of writings by Dr. Marcia Leventhal includes reprints of historic articles, and some articles not previously published. It includes writings on the influences that led to Dr Leventhal’s strong views about the essential nature of dance as a therapy; the impact she had on the development of dance therapy and the emergence of dance therapy in Australia. The issue also contains the history of the successful dance movement therapy training program that Dr. Leventhal set up in Australia that can be read about in contributions from Tony Norquay and Jennifer Helmich.

There are also writings by others about her work and reminiscences from friends, colleagues and students, including Iris Rifkin-Gainer, Patricia Capello, Jane Wilson Cathcart, Anne Marie Ruta Buchanan and Professor M. Linda Graham from the USA. Jenny Czulak Riley, Elizabeth Loughlin, Elizabeth Mackenzie, Jane Refshauge, Naomi Audette and Fran Ostroburski are some of the contributors from Australia, along with Gerry Harrison and Amanda Kougioufa from the UK, and Nina Alkalay from Greece. The volume is generously illustrated with many photographs from Dr. Leventhal’s career as a dancer, actor, therapist and dance therapy educator. This impressive record of one of the pioneers of dance movement therapy would make a valuable addition to the collection of anyone interested in the history of dance movement therapy education and practice.

Bibliography of writings by Dr. Marcia Leventhal
Price: B&W $19.00 + $6p&h
Price: Colour $25.00 + $6p&h

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About Betsy – A visitor to Melbourne

Edition: 2004 Vol. 3 No. 3

Irmgard Bartnieff, Laban Movement Analysis, Labanotation, LMA/BF, back pain

We would like to thank Laban Institute of Movement Studies for allowing us to quote passages from the information in the article – ‘Betsy Kagan – Certified Movement Analyst of the month of March and April 2004’.

Betsy Kagan, a visitor from the USA was in Melbourne in 2004 to present at the 5th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain Effective Diagnosis and Treatment of Lumbopelvic Pain. This article overviews her professional development, as well as an overview of her conference presentation. (pp 21-22)

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The Dance in Dance Therapy

Edition: 2005 Vol. 4 No. 1

aesthetic expression, ritual, diagnostic assessment, pedestrian movement, movement interventions, transformation

This is an excerpt from the content:

This article presents three extracts from a conversation on the ADTA listserve on the nature of the “Dance” in “Dance Therapy.” The conversation weaves through different aspects – from reflections on the elements – that make ‘the dance’ in Dance Therapy, to a discussion about cultural attitudes, the way in which the word ‘dance’ is used metaphorically, and ending with a poignant image of an historical depiction of dance. (pp 24-25)

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A Reflection – Looking Beyond the Muscles at the Movement

Edition: 2004 Vol. 3 No. 4

Bartenieff Fundamanetals™, LMA experientials, biochmechanical model, early development sequences, movement analysis,

Jane describes her participation in Betsy Kagen’s post Conference workshop in “The Fifth interdisciplinary World Conference on Low back pain and pelvic pain”. Betsy’s presentation was titled: “Addressing Injury, Pain and Rehabilitation through Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (LMA/BF): A Holistic Model of Movement”. (pp 11-12)

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Peggy Hackney – in Melbourne

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

Laban, Bartenieff Movement Analysis, The Movement Choir, creating community, DTAA Conference, Professional development

This brief article gives an extended biography of Peggy’s work, reflecting on her visit to Australia in 2007 for the DTAA’s ‘Weaving the threads’ conference. As the keynote speaker for this conference, her speech is referred to in addition to ‘The Movement Choir’ that was facilitated by Peggy. (p.14)

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Reflections – Amber Gray in Melbourne

Edition: 2008 Vol. 7 Nos. 3-4

trauma & torture, Somatic psychology, Developmental Psychology, Poly-vagel /social engagement theory, the continuum of movement, Bartenieff Fundamentals

Fiona and Jane reflect on their experiences of Amber’s workshop in two separate articles. Amber travels far and wide to war-torn countries and disaster areas applying the Center Post Framework (CPF) and Restorative Movement Psychotherapy model she has developed to assist in the treatment of the trauma, torture, and children’s traumatic stress problems, that result from these terrible events. The theory behind the work is applicable to addressing problems of anxiety, stress disorders, or traumas from injury or illness. (pp 44-47)

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Working with Elizabeth – Reminiscences of 1974

Edition: 2009 Vol. 8 Nos. 3-4

children, special needs, play, sensory motor stimulation, mother-infant relationship, group therapy

Jane reminiscences on her transforming journey meeting Elizabeth Loughlin, at the inaugural Noah’s Ark Toy Library, a catalyst centre for a whole new way of meeting the therapeutic aims, education and development for babies and children with special needs – through play. Aspects of their foundational work are shared, including the props, music and relational responding to the emotional needs of the mother-child bond, now accepted specialist approaches in psychological and psychiatric settings. (pp 18-19)

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A focus on Jenny Czulak Riley: An Australian Pioneer – dancing on ……….!

Edition: 2010 Vol. 9 Nos. 1-2

Australian Association of Dance Education, Ausdance, Hanny Exiner, Moving On Journal, Peter Slade, Denis Kelynack

An commemorative piece on Jenny Czulak Riley’s long standing commitment to the DTAA since it’s inception. Her extensive achievements are over viewed, along with her various publications, activism and support of the DTAA as well as her professional and personal commitments to dance movement therapy. Jenny is an honorary member of the DTAA. The following articles in this edition, give more depth to her rich contributions to the field. (pp 2-3)

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Edition: 2011 Vol. 9 Nos. 3-4

A full edition with reflections on Australian octogenarian dance-movement therapy pioneer – Mary Builth, conference papers and reports focussing from Australia’s: ‘Arts and Health International Conference’ and the ADTA’s annual conference are presented. A new peer reviewed section and the DTAA’s latest publication is reviewed, with the inclusion of articles on the fields of DMT in special education, developing your business and movement in the field of expressive arts. Tributes to Naomi Audette/ Mirabai Light are shared.

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Laban – Space Harmony and Dance Movement Therapy

Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 1-2

effort, kinaesphere, communication, planes of movement, space harmony, crystalline forms

This article is developed from an assignment completed for Laban/Bartenieff and Somatic Studies International in 2008 (see The assignment asked the question of ‘what is harmonic about Space Harmony’. The answer requires discussion of Laban’s philosophy and some contextual aspects that support the development of his theories. There is a focus on an article by Bodmer (1974), because it was a recommended reference provided during Jane’s LMA Certification Training. Practical applications related to Space Harmony – as used in Jane’s work, are presented.
(pp 5-11)

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Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 1-2

This issue of Moving On focuses on writings related to Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), including some from dance movement therapists (DMTs) who are also Certified Movement Analysts (CMAs) and/or CMA’s with backgrounds in other somatic movement practices.

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Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 3

Rachael introduces herself as part of the new editorial team and overviews this issue on focusing on the healing power of dance.

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The DTAA: the Year Behind and the Year Ahead

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 1

DTAA formation, Foundation Australian dance therapy, Australian dance therapy history

Two of the founding members of the Dance Therapy Association of Australia (DTAA), Jane Guthrie and Denis Kelynack, reflect on their 2001 origins and describe the intentions and processes required for full professional establishment of the DTAA. Varied roles and responsibilities fulfilled by volunteer members are overviewed including; professional development and membership, sharing knowledge, resources and milestones, as well as the launch of the Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation. (pp 5-7)

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