ARBN 679434649

Scope of Practice

The DTAA Scope of Practice was developed in consultation with DTAA members and industry leaders, and through the reviews of Scopes of Practice sourced from a wide range of allied health professions. It profiles contemporary Australasian dance movement therapy and the practitioners who work within this therapeutic discipline.

Through its profiling, the Scope of Practice communicates a clear understanding of the governance, responsibilities, and accountabilities upheld by DTAA as the peak body for dance movement therapy in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific region. It also communicates a framework for Australasian dance movement therapy practice that is holistic and aligned to principles of international best practice for health and wellbeing, as embraced by the World Health Organization. The Scope of Practice contextualises this practice via the principles for therapeutic engagement as espoused by Australasian dance movement therapy practitioners. As such, it forms part of DTAA’s core suite of papers, along with the Competency Standards, Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct, and Supervision Requirements for Practicing Members, which address the accepted framework for our profession and acceptable practice of our profession.

The Scope of Practice will be reviewed at regular intervals by DTAA for currency with, and relevance to, the continued growth of our organisation.

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