Book Library || Magazines, journals, theses || Music Cassette books || Books in German || Videos
The DTAA has a collection of dance and dance movement therapy related titles available for loan to members. The Library is located in Hawthorn East VIC. We welcome donations and suggestions for purchases. Items can be posted to members upon receipt of a deposit.
Feel free to contact librarian Teri McNeil to arrange a time to visit the collection or to arrange borrowings by mail:
Phone:0431 662 755
Library Borrowing Conditions
Only current, fully financial members of the DTAA are eligible to borrow.
Book loan costs: Book loans are free, but a refundable-on-return deposit of $30 allows up to three items to be borrowed. The non-refundable cost of packing and postage is also the responsibility of the borrower.
Hiring fee for videos/DVDs: $5.50 per item, per week or part of a week, plus deposit and postage and packaging costs as for books. If the items are being hired by mail, the week will be deemed to start two days after mailing, and to end at the postmarked date of return.
Loan period: One month. An extension of one month will be allowed, providing this is requested by the due return date and if there isn’t a waiting list for the item. Loans may be further extended by negotiation with the librarian.
Late returns: Fines will be incurred at the rate of a $1 a day per item.
Lost items: Borrowers must replace any items they lose. If the item is not available, then an equivalent item (at librarian’s discretion) must be paid for or purchased. The refundable deposit will not be re-paid to the borrower unless this requirement is met.
DTAA Publications
Rawson, R. & Loughlin, E. (eds), (1992) Dance Therapy Collections 1 (1992), Melbourne: Ausdance Victoria.
Guthrie, J. Loughlin, E. and Albiston, D. (eds.) (1999) Dance Therapy Collections 2, Melbourne: DTAA
Dunphy, K. Guthrie, J. and Loughlin, E. (2009) Dance Therapy Collections 3, Melbourne: DTAA
Guthrie, J. and Aitchison, A. (2008) Moving On journal: Hanny Exiner Commemorative Edition, Melbourne: DTAA
Adler, Janet (2002) Offerings from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement
Alexander, F. Matthias (1974) The Resurrection of the Body
Andrews, Gladys (1954) Creative Rhythmic Movement for Children, Prentice-Hall
Audette, Naomi and Bunston, Wendy (2006) The Therapeutic Use of Games in Groupwork, Royal Childrens Hospital Mental Health Service: Victoria
Barlow, Wilfred (1975) The Alexander Principle – How to use your body
Bateson, Gregory (1980) Mind and Nature. A Necessary Unity
Bateson, Gregory (1983) Steps to an Ecology of Mind. A revolutionary approach to man’s understanding of himself
Berne, Eric, M.D. (1966) Games People Play, The Psychology of Human Relations
Berne, Eric, M.D. (1970) Group Treatment
Bettelheim, Bruno (1961) The Informed Heart – The human condition in modern mass society
Bettelheim, Bruno, Paul and Mary (1961) Two case histories from “Truants from Life”
Bloom, Katya (2006) The Embodied Self: Movement and Psychoanalysis. H. Karnac Ltd: London
Cameron, Helen & Kendall, Diana (1986) Kinetic Sensory Studies; a movement program for children
Capra, Fritjof (1988) Uncommon Wisdom, Century
Claire, (2004) The Journey of a Dance Therapy Teacher. Capturing the Essence of Chase
Cruz, Robyn F. with Berrol, Cynthia F. eds, (2006) Dance/Movement Therapist in Action, A Working Guide to Research Options
Czulak-Riley, Jenny (2003) Growing Older, Dancing On, COTA: Melbourne
Dimonstein,Geraldine (1974) Exploring the Arts with Children
Dunphy, Kim & Scott, Jenny (2003) Freedom to Move: movement and dance for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Elsevier: Melbourne
Eastman, Marcia (1954) Creative Dance for Children (Barbara Mettler teaching)
Ellfeldt, Lois (1971) A Primer for Choreographers
Epstein, June (1973) Enjoying Music with Young Children
Exiner, Johanna & Kelynack, Denis (1994) Dance Therapy Redefined, CC Thomas: Illinois
Exiner, Johanna with Lloyd, Phyllis (1973) Teaching Creative Movement
Gantt, Linda and Strauss Schmal, Marilyn (compilers) (1974) Art Therapy
Feder, Elaine & Bernard (1981) The Expressive Arts Therapies: art, music and dance as psychotherapy
Feldenkrais, Moshe (1977) Awareness Through Movement
Fleming, Gladys (1976) Creative Rhythmic Movement. Boys and Girls Dancing
Gardner, Gabrielle & Wacey, Kathy (1981) Movement and Dance
Gelb, Michael (1987) Body Learning: An Introduction to the Alexander Technique
Gorer, Geoffrey (1945) Africa Dances: A book about West African Negroes
Guthrie, Jane & Roydhouse, Jan (1988) Come and Join the Dance – a creative approach to movement for children with special needs
Haley, Jay (1973) Uncommon Therapy. The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton Erickson, M.D
Halprin, Daria (2009) The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy: Working with Movement, Metaphor and Meaning. Jessica Kingsley: London and Philadelphia
Harris, David A. (2007) Pathway to embodied empathy and reconciliation after atrocity: former boy soldiers in a dance/movement therapy group in Sierra Leone, International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 5, 3, 203-231
Haselbach, Barbara (1981) Improvisation, Dance, Movement, Magnamusic
Hawkins, Erick (1992) The Body is a Clear Place and other statements on dance
H’Doubler, Margaret N. (1966) Dance: A Creative Art Experience
Hill, Heather, (2001) Invitation To The Dance: dance for people with dementia and their carers, University of Stirling : Scotland
Hill, Heather, (2nd ed) (2009) Invitation To The Dance: dance for people with dementia and their carers, University of Stirling: Scotland, Book and CD set
Hinkley, Coralie (1990) Innovisions: expressions of creativity in dance
Hinkley, Coralie (1980) Creativity in Dance
Humphrey, Doris (1959) The Art of Making Dances
Kapit, Wynn & Elson, Lawrence M (1977) The Anatomy Coloring Book
Koch, Sabine C. with Brauninger, Iris (eds) (2006) Advances in Dance/Movement Therapy, Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings
Kohler, Wolfgang (1947) Gestalt Psychology
Laban, Rudolf (1966) Choreutics (Annotated and edited by Lisa Ullman)
Laban, Rudolf (1960) The Mastery of Movement (2nd Edition Revised by Lisa Ullman)
Laban, Rudolf (1976) Modern Educational Dance (3rd edition revised by Lisa Ullman)
Laban, Rudolf (1956) Principles of dance and movement notation
Laban, Rudolf and Lawrence, F.C. (1965) Effort, Macdonald and Evans: London
Lange, Roderyk The Nature of Dance
Latey, Phillip (1979) The Muscular Manifesto – A revolutionary study of people, illness and change
Le Navenec, C-L. and Bridges, L. (Eds). (2005). Creating connections between nursing care and the creataive arts therapies: Expanding the concept of holistic care. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas
Lett, Warren (ed.) 1976 Creativity and Education
Lett, Warren R., (ed) (1993) How the Arts Make a Difference in Therapy
Lewis, Daniel (1984) The Illustrated Dance Technique of Jose Limón, Harper and Row: New York
Locke, Ralph G. (1999) The Gift of Proteus. Shamanism and the Transformation of Being Spring Creek Institute: North Carolina
Lockhart, Aileene (1957) Modern Dance. Building and Teaching Lessons
Marshall, Mary (Editor) with Allan, Kate (2006) Dementia: Walking not Wandering, Fresh Approaches to Understanding and Practice, CC Thomas: Springfield, USA
Masters, Robert and Houston, Jean (1978) Listening to the Body. The Psychophysical Way to Health and Awareness, Dell Publishing
May, Rollo (1969) Love and Will
McTavish, Shona Dunlop (1987). An Ecstasy of Purpose. The Life and Art of Gertrud Bodenweiser
Meares, Ainslie (1983) Relief Without Drugs
Metheny, Eleanor (1968) Movement and Meaning
Mettler, Barbara (1960) Materials of Dance as a Creative Art
Louis, Murray (1980) Inside Dance St.
Ornstein, Robert E (1974) The Psychology of Consciousness
Pierce, Alexandra & Roger (1989) Expressive Movement. Posture and Action in Daily Life, Sports and the Performing Arts
Preston, Valerie (1963) A Handbook for Modern Educational Dance
Preston-Dunlop, Valerie (1966) An Introduction to Kinetography Laban
Preston-Dunlop, Valerie (1967) Readers in Kinetography Laban Series B: Book 1 – Introducing the Symbols ; Book 2 – More About the Symbols ; Book 3 – Moving with a Partner ; Book 4 – Effort Graphs Macdonald and Evans, London
Raffe, W.G. (compiler) (1975) Dictionary of the Dance A.S. Barnes, New Jersey
Rattigan, Marlene, (2004) ‘kidz-fiz-biz’, physical business for kids, learning through drama, dance and song (2 CDs included)
Rogers, Carl, R (1980) A Way of Being
Rosen, Elizabeth (1957) Dance in Psychotherapy, Bureau of Publications
Sacks, Oliver (1986) A Leg to Stand On
Sandel, Susan, L. , Chaiklin, Sharon and Lohn, Ann (eds) (1993) Foundations of Dance/Movement Therapy: The Life and Work of Marion Chase
Schechner, Richard and Appel, Willa (Editors) (1991) By Means of Performance, Intercultural studies of theatre and ritual, Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, New York
Shawn, Ted (1963) Every Little Movement, Dance Horizons
Smith, Jacqueline M. (1985) Dance Composition : A Practical Guide for Teachers, A & C Black, London
Spurgeon, David (1991) Dance Moves. From Improvisation to Dance
Taylor, Margaret Fisk (1967) A Time To Dance – Symbolic movement in worship
Thraves, Barbara and Williamson, Diana (1993) Now for a Dance. Integrating dance and movement in primary and early childhood learning Phoenix Education, Melbourne
Tortora, Suzi (2006) The Dancing Dialogue. Using Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children Paul H. Brooks: Maryland.
Tregenza, Ann Irvine (1997) Fun Fit Folk, An introduction to the benefits of Folkdancing – Older Women’s Experience of Participation in a Multicultural Folkdance Group
Ullman, Lisa (1971) Some Preparatory Stages for the Study of Space Harmony in Art of Movement, Laban Art of Movement Guild
Watzlawick, Paul, Weakland, Ch. E. and Fisch, Richard (1974) Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution
Weiss, Mark L., & Mann, Alan E (1978) Human Biology and Behaviour. An Anthropological Perspective. (2nd Edition)
Wosien, Maria-Gabriele (1974) Sacred Dance – Encounter with the Gods Litvinoff, Valentina (1972) The Use of Stanislavsky Within Modern Dance, American Dance Guild Inc.
Magazines, journals, theses, etc.
ADTA American Journal of Dance Therapy
Volume 27, Number 1 Spring/ Summer 2005
Volume 27, Number 2 Fall/ Winter 2005
Volume 28, Number 1 Spring/Summer 2006
Volume 28, Number 2 Fall/ Winter 2006
Volume 29, Number 1 Spring/Summer 2007
Volume 29, Number 2 Fall/ Winter 2007
Australian Journal of Music Therapy
Volume 19, 2008
Volume 20, 2009
American Dance Therapy Association, (2002) Proceedings from the 37th Annual Conference Roots and Revelation – Dance Movement Therapy – Forging New Collaborations, Innovations and Freedom. (CD ROM)
American Dance Therapy Association (2008), Papers from the International Panel at the 2008 Conference, Dance Therapy In Diverse Societies, ADTA: Maryland
American Dance Therapy Association, (2008), ADTA Diversity Committee Information Packet: articles, abstracted references, and multimedia resources about dance therapy with diverse communities, ADTA.
American Dance Therapy Association, (2008) 43rd Annual Conference: Dance Movement Therapy for a Diverse Society, CD of conference presentations, ADTA: Maryland
American Dance Therapy Association, (2010) The 16th International Panel; Men In Dance Therapy papers from participants, September, Brooklyn, New York
Association for Dance Movement Therapy UK (quarterly) e-motion Spring 1999, Summer 1999, Summer 2000, Autumn/Winter 2000/1 (Note: other issues are also available through the DTAA.)
Australian Association for Dance Education. (1977) Dance Education Conference Papers
Australian Music Therapy Association Inc. The Australian Journal of Music Therapy Vol. 10, 1999; Vol. 11 2000. (Note: other issues may be available through the DTAA)
Australian Music Therapy Association Inc. (newsletter) The Bulletin Vol. 22, No.1 & No. 3 (1999); Vol. 23 No. 1, No. 2 & No. 3 (2000). (Note: other issues may be available through the DTAA)
Chaiklin, Sharon (Editor).(1998) Dance Movement Therapy abstracts: Doctoral Dissertations, Masters’ Theses, and Special Projects 1991-1996. Vol 2.
Chodorow, Joan (2000) Dance Therapy: Moving Towards Wholeness. Keynote address from DTAA Conference
Corraro Fisher, Anne (Editor) with Arlynne Stark. (1992) Dance Movement Therapy Abstracts: Doctoral Dissertations, Masters’ Theses, and Special Projects Through 1990. Vol 1.
Cuccaro, J. (2009). Perceptions of and receptivity to dance/movement therapy. Unpublished dissertation. University of Pennsylvania.
Dascal, Varda (with Marcelo Dascal). Understanding Art as Knowing How. From Art in Culture Vol 2 Ghent: Communication and Cognition 1985 pp 271 – 298
Dascal, Varda. A Case for Art in Therapy. From Studies in the Theatre, Section C No. 2. The Faculty of Visual and Performing arts, Tel Aviv University, Israel. 1985
Dascal, Varda (with Marcelo Dascal and Erika Landau). The Art of Moving and the Art of Proving. From Argumentation: Perspectives and approaches 1987 pp 179 – 186
Dascal, Varda. Feeling the Family’s Pulse. (workshop notes)
DTAA, Newsletters 1994 – 2001
DTAA, Moving On – Quarterly: Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer 2002) to the present
DTAA (2000) Sources and Resources; conference proceedings and program
DTAA (23/4/1994) Inaugural Meeting of The Dance-Movement Therapy Association of Australia (audio cassette)
Exiner, H and Kelynack, D. (1995) Dance Therapy Redefined – A Body Approach to Therapeutic Dance. Videotapes and annotations from the nine session Study Group
German Dance Therapy Association/BTD (2004) Colloquium brochure: First International Research Colloquium in Dance/Movement Therapy of the German Dance Therapy Association/BTD, February 13 – 14, 2004, Hanover, Germany
Hill, H. (2007) Intergenerational Dance/Movement Program in Melbourne, Australia, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, Vol. 5, No. 1
Hill, Heather (1995) An Attempt To Describe And Understand Moments Of Experiential Meaning Within the Dance Therapy Process For A Patient With Dementia. (Master of Education thesis: gift of the author)
JADTA news No. 33 October 1998 Actual Situation of Dance Movement Therapy in the World (which came out of the international panel discussion held at the 32nd Annual ADTA Conference in Philadelphia 1997)
Japan Dance Therapy Association, (2008) Dance Therapy With Children Throughout the World, JADTA News, No. 83, October,
Karnac review: New titles in Mental Health, catalogue from UK bookseller, June 2007
Kestenberg, Dr. Judith (11/7/1994) Seminar at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, (Video and audio cassette)
Lett, Warren Thinking About Multi Arts. (Monograph in the Arts and Education No. 4)
Nieuwsbrief Dans – En Bewegingsexpressie Therapie (Dutch newsletter) No. 61 March 1999, No. 62 June 1999, No. 63 November 1999, No. 64 January 2000, No. 65 June 2000, No. 66 November 2000
Poynor, Helen (1998) Body – Movement. Non-stylised Movement Practice as a Process of Personal Development, Empowerment and Expression for Women. (Master of arts thesis: gift of the author)
Psychotherapy in Australia Vol. 3 No. 3 Feb. 1997, Vol. 4 No. 3 May 1998, Vol. 4 No. 4 Aug. 1998, Vol. 5 No. 3 May 1999, Vol. 5 No. 4 Aug. 1999, Vol. 6 No. 1 Nov. 1999, Vol. 6 No.2 Feb. 2000, Vol. 6 No. 3 May 2000, Vol. 6 No. 4 Aug. 2000, Vol. 7 No. 1 Nov. 2000, Vol. 7 No. 2 Feb. 2001.
Sullivan, A. (2007) The Globalization of Dance Movement Therapy: A Qualitative Case Study of Australia, unpublished Masters thesis, Drexel University, USA.
DVD: ADTA New York chapter, (2008) Moving Stories: Portraits of Dance Movement Therapy. A documentary that reveals the powerful healing potential of movement, NY Chapter ADTA: New York.
Conquest of Emptiness – Trudi Schoop and Come Dance With Me – Trudi Schoop
(with thanks to Joan Chodorow who generously made these two available to us.)
A Time to Dance – Norma Canner (A copy of the interview by Vivien Marcow, published in the ADTA American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol. 12 No. 2, Fall/Winter 1990, is available to read with the hire of this video.)
At The Threshold: A journey to the sacred through the integration of Jungian psychology and the expressive arts – Carolyn Grant Fay.
Freedom to Move Dunphy, Kim and Scott, Jenny
Other Publications/Papers
Bartenieff, Irmgard, Davis, Martha and Paulay, Forrestine Paulay.(1973) Four Adaptations of Effort Theory in Research and Teaching, A Dance Notation Bureau Publication
Book and music cassette
Exiner, Johanna & Lloyd, Phyllis. 1987, Learning Through Dance
Books in German
Glathe-Siefert, Georg (1964) Brita Rhythmik fur Kinder , Kallmeyer Verlag, Wolfenbuttel
Hormann, Karl (1991) Durch Tanzen zum eigenen Selbst – Eine Einfuhrung I die tanztherapie Goldmann: Verlag
Jungmair, Ulrike E. (1992) Das Elementare – Zur Musik- und Bewegungserziehung im Sinne Carl Orffs. Theorie und Praxis . Schott, Mainz
Peter-Bolaender, Martina (1992) Tanz und Imagination, Junfermann Verlag, paderborn
Vent, Helmi & Drefke, Helma (1988) Gymnastik Tanz, Cornelsen Schwann , Dusseldorf
Willke, Elke, Holter, Gerd & Petzold, Hilarion (Hrsg.) (1991) Tanztherapie Theorie und Praxis. Ein Handbuch. Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn
The Library collections includes significant contributions from the Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation and Linda Leah.