Governance and Operations
The DTAA was established as an incorporated association registered in Victoria in 1994, but became a nationally registered registrable body in Australia in May 2019.
The organisation operates across Australasia, with Professional Members in each state and territory of Australia, New Zealand and some Asian countries. We also have general members in other countries including Europe and the Americas. In 2019, there are approximately 190 members, 75 of whom are recognised by the Association as dance movement therapists, having achieved Professional or Provisional level membership status.
Additionally, on 30 March 2020 the DTAA was incorporated in New Zealand under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. This gives DTAA a legal presence in New Zealand as well as in Australia.
The DTAA is managed by member volunteers, supported by a part-time Administrator, Donna Parker.
Donna works ten hours per week for the DTAA with hours spread across the week in an attempt to ensure a quick response to all enquiries.
Contact: or 0419 531 218
Since its incorporation in 1994, the DTAA has been led by a Committee of Management of practitioners led by a President. The management group became a Board on adoption of a constitution at the AGM in 2018.
Presidents of the DTAA:
Robyn Price (2023-
E. Connor Kelly (2021-2023)
Sandra Lauffenburger (2019-2021)
Kim Dunphy (2015-2019)
Jane Guthrie (2007-2015)
Denis Kelynack (2001-2006)
Karen Bond (1998-2000)
Naomi Aitchison (1997)
Hanny Exiner (1996)
Heather Hill (1994-1995)
The President is supported by an Executive Committee and a range of committees.
DTAA’s first Constitution, replacing the original model rules, was adopted at the AGM on 28 October 2018.
By-laws documents available here
Annual Report
Annual Reports are available here:
2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020, 2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016.
Annual General Meeting
AGM 2022 Minutes
AGM 2021 Minutes
AGM 2020 Minutes
AGM 2019 Minutes
AGM 2018 Minutes
AGM 2017 Minutes
AGM 2016 Minutes