Organisations: Dance movement therapy international
- Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC) | Twitter | Facebook
- American Dance Therapy Association
- Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy, UK
- Japan Dance Therapy Association
- Spanish Dance Movement Therapy Association (ADMTE)
- Swedish Dance Therapy Association
- Greek Association of Dance Therapists
- European Association Dance Movement Therapy
Professional associations in other expressive arts therapies in Australia
- Australian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ACATA)
- Australian and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association (ANZATA)
- Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
Other relevant arts and therapy organisations
- Ausdance (Australian Dance Council) – peak body for dance in Australia
- Australian Counselling Association
- Expressive Therapy Concepts
- Jasmine Pasch, community dance artist – contains useful articles on dance/movement programs in education, community and health care.
- Psychotherapy and Counselling Association of Australia (PACFA)
Research Grants
Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation (HEMF) grants are awarded annually for research studies and projects conducted in Australasia which contribute to the knowledge base of dance movement therapy (DMT) and advance understandings of dance as a healing art. Grants are awarded annually. For more information go to HEMF
- UK: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy is an international, peer-reviewed journal exploring the relationship between body and mind and focusing on the significance of the body and movement in the therapeutic setting. It is the only scholarly journal wholly dedicated to the growing fields of body (somatic) psychotherapy and dance movement therapy. The body is increasingly being recognized as a vehicle for expression, insight and change. The journal encourages broad and in-depth discussion of issues relating to research activities, theory, clinical practice, professional development and personal reflections.
4 issues per year. Members of DTAA can subscribe to this publication at a special discounted rate. - American Journal of Dance Therapy Official journal of the ADTA, published twice a year.
- Arts in Psychotherapy Publishes 5 issues per annum, and is an international journal for professionals in the fields of mental health and education. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles (including illustrations) by art, dance/movement, drama, music, and poetry psychotherapists, as well as psychiatrists, psychologists.
- Arts and Health, an International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice (official journal of the Global Alliance for Arts and Health
- The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP An international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal. Our mission is to publish, disseminate and make accessible worldwide, quality information, research and knowledge about the creative arts in health and interdisciplinary practice.”
- Directory of Open Access Journals Categorized, searchable links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals
- Forum Qualitative Social Research (FQR) A peer-reviewed multilingual online journal for qualitative research established in 1999. FQS thematic issues are published tri-annually
- Existing in between two worlds supporting asylum seeking women living in temporary accommodation through a creative movement and art intervention
- Being seen digitally exploring macro and micro perspectives
Other Resources
Orit Krug’s website Mind your body: a dance movement therapy perspective. Has podcasts from eg Connor Kelly/Steve Harvey on physical storytelling, Donna Newman-Bluestein on Older Adults and Dementia: A heart-centred approach… and much more.
DTAA Public Panel Talks on YouTube and Spotify
Watch the DTAA Panel talks on YouTube
Panel Talk 1 16 03 Full recordings:
Panel Talk 2 06 07 Full recording:
Listen to the DTAA Panel talks on the Spotify podcast: