ARBN 679434649

Board and Executive

The Board has a responsibility to DTAA members to fulfil the organization’s functions as expressed in its objectives, which are part of the Constitution. The objectives are to improve the health, wellbeing and creativity of the people of Australasia, by improving the quality and expanding the reach of dance movement therapy in Australasia. This is achieved by providing identity, representation and criteria for certification and registration (Professional Membership) of Australasian dance movement therapists. The Association’s activities include providing opportunities for networking, publishing a journal, producing professional literature, organising in-services and conferences (continuing professional development), establishing resources (library; responding to enquiries) and addressing industrial and /or employment issues.

To achieve these objectives, a number of Committees undertake specific tasks and report back to the Board. These are Governance; Ethics; Finance; Publications; Professional Membership; Workplace Development (including NDIS), Professional Development;  Research; Training and Education; Marketing and Promotions; and the Hanny Exiner Memorial Fund. Other specific projects arise from time to time, such as the Supervision project that are led by sub-committees. All DTAA activities or business come under one of these committees. The General Committee meets approximately monthly by Zoom and if possible, annually in person at the Annual General Meeting.

An Executive Committee comprising the President, President-Elect (currently vacant), Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer provide leadership for the Board.



Robyn Price
(Co-Convener, Professional Development Committee)

BA, Grad Dip Movt & Dance, Grad Dip Dance Therapy, M Gestalt Therapy
Prof. DMT, GANZ.

Mary-Claude Vienet

Graduate Advanced Clinical Training DMT (IDTIA) and over 30 years of business background
Mary-Claude specializes in working with elderly and people with dementia. She facilitates group sessions in aged care programs organised through Council for people with dementia and their carer. Mary has also some experience working in small groups with adults with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Mioi Forster-Nakayama

(Convener, Workplace Development Committee)

Supervision Advanced Certificate Program (PACFA accredited), Master’s degree in Dance Movement Psychotherapy (Goldsmiths, University of London), Diploma in Movement Arts and Mixed Media (Attakkalari, India). Email:

Cath Rummery

Graduate Advanced Clinical Training DMT (IDTIA), BSc (Hons) (Biology), Prof DMT. Cath specialises in working with elderly and people with dementia. Cath has worked in the environmental field for over 30 years, and has a love for nature and remote places, and is passionate about the healing power of expressive dance in nature.



Board Members


E. Connor Kelly
Past President
(Convener, Ethics Committee)

MA, BC-DMT, LPC, Masters in Dance/Movement Therapy New York University(USA), Board Certified Dance Movement Therapist (USA), Licensed Professional Counselor (Colorado, USA).

Sandra Kay Lauffenburger (Convener, Professional Membership Committee)

B.Ed. M.Sc. B.Soc.Sci.(Hons Psych), DTAA (Prof. DMT) Reg. 203-01, PACFA Clinical Member & Supervisor (Reg. 020209), Certified Laban Movement Analyst

Tracey Nicholson (Convener, Training Organizations Committee)

Bachelor of Education, Diploma of dance movement Therapy, Diploma of Contemporary Pilates & Teaching Methodology, Graduate Certificate in Movement Based Somatic Therapy, Level 4 member of the Australian Pilates Method Association, Grad Cert in Pilates-based Rehabilitation.
Mob: 0400 600 360 / Email:  / Web:

Jane Guthrie (Convener, Publications Committee; Co-Convener, Professional Development Committee)

Jane Guthrie, B. App. Sc. Phyty, Grad Dip Movement and Dance, Dance Therapy Certificate, M. Ed {Advanced Studies in Movement and Dance}, DTAA (Prof. DMT), is an experienced dance movement therapist, physiotherapist and Certified Movement Analyst

Virginia Woods (Convener, Training and Education Committee)

Bachelor of Arts, Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Masters by Supervision- Melbourne Institute of Expressive and Creative Arts Therapies, Graduate Diploma in Movement and Dance, Graduate Diploma in Dance Therapy


Vacant (Convener, Research Committee)

Clinical Psychologist (NZ reg), Psychotherapist (NZ reg), Dances of Universal Peace cert leader (MDUPANZ), Supervisor (ATI cert.).

Theresa Jackson (Convener, Gender, Diversity and Culture Committee)

B.A Dance NYU, M.A Dance Therapy NYU, Grad. Dip.Ed. UTS, Adult and Community Ed. UTS, Migrant, Asylum and Refugee Grad. Cert. Charles Sturt University.
Tel: 02 9660 5683 / Email:

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