ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

Dynamic Phrasing in Dance/Movement Therapy, and Building Observation Skills for Client – presented by Peggy Hackney

dynamic phrasing, movement, observation, LMA/BF, conference, analysis

Presenter: Peggy Hackney (p. 38-40).

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The Body in Phenomenology and Movement Observation

intercorporeality, Action Profiling, Movement Pattern Analysis, Laban Movement Analysis, intersubjectivity, attunement

This paper is reprinted with permission from E- motion, UK, Vol. XIV, no.17, Winter. Please note it has undergone revision by the author for publication here.

Janet’s introduction: “The following article was originally presented as a conference paper for Action Profilers International, in Surrey, England in 2001. The audience members for whom it was intended were all professional Movement Analysts, and were familiar with Phenomenology’s view that individual perception is always an intersubjective experience. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to pose questions regarding our experiences as movement observers, in the fields of Action Profiling (AP) (and of course Movement Pattern Analysis, (MPA, a name given later to Warren Lamb’s work) and in Dance Movement Therapy (DMT). The theoretical exploration is an attempt to examine possibilities for aligning the Body in Phenomenology with the practical premises we confer on the body within these fields. This version of the paper has been modified and extended to focus more specifically on Movement Observation within Dance Movement Therapy.” (pp 2-8)

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In conversation with Sharon Chaiklin

facilitation, vitality, mature DMTs, performance, training, professional development

Elizabeth shares a record of an illuminating discussion she shared between inspired and inspiring participants: Sharon Chaiklin, Rob Baum, Sally Denning and Linda Murrow. They asked questions of Sharon covering an array of topics connected to DMT such as her perspective on her way-of-being as a DMT, qualities for emerging DMTs to aspire to as well as the qualities she observes in mature DMTs. They reflect on the profession’s needs, unique attributes and potential for growth. (pp 9-11)

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Some thoughts on Sharon Chaiklin

embodied, teaching, professional development, dancing body, therapeutic dance, processes

In this brief reflection Rob focuses on her experiences of Sharon’s facilitation of the three-day workshop at the “Weaving the threads” DTAA conference in 2007. Rob openly shares her learning challenges and her appreciation of Sharon’s simple and clear style and her emphasis on the importance of embodiment “to be in our bodies—bringing a heightened awareness to the experience of being with another being, in which a client is nourished, held and also embodied.” (pp 12-13)

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Peggy Hackney – in Melbourne

Laban, Bartenieff Movement Analysis, The Movement Choir, creating community, DTAA Conference, Professional development

This brief article gives an extended biography of Peggy’s work, reflecting on her visit to Australia in 2007 for the DTAA’s ‘Weaving the threads’ conference. As the keynote speaker for this conference, her speech is referred to in addition to ‘The Movement Choir’ that was facilitated by Peggy. (p.14)

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“Nature Dances” – Alpe Doro, Switzerland

senses, nature connection, animal symbolism, shadow, enactment, witness

Beatrice shares her experiences from a week long retreat in a wild and rugged part of her native country, where multi-modal arts were woven with dance, yoga and drama to explore inner questions connected to life meaning and purpose. She writes: “It was an incredibly enriching experience to share a week with people from various backgrounds who all struggled to reach for their truth and reveal it to the group in a very simple hut and in a very wild and rugged part of Switzerland.” (pp 15-16)

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Career Switch… from food technologist to dance movement therapist

professional development, science, experiential learning, emotional challenges, postnatal depression

Juliette Kirkwood reflects on her personal and professional transformation woven with becoming a mother. She discusses how she incorporates her former and current qualifications: “The scientist and the artist now work together inside my head to bring about the best possible result for my clients.” (pp 17-18)

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Don’t just stand there, think

embodied cognition, rehabilitation medicine, neuroscience, mirror neurons, education, psychology

This excellent article, of great relevance to DMT’s, about how people use their bodies to think, was printed in the Boston Globe on Sunday, January 13, 2008. We are grateful to Drake Bennett for granting us permission to reprint it. 

This article explores the concept of ’embodied cognition’ in depth, from various perspectives including; education, rehabilitative medicine, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy and psychology. Drake cites a wide range of studies that upend traditional thinking about thinking as well as the mind-body split. This concept also “threatens age-old distinctions – not only between brain and body, but between perceiving and thinking, thinking and acting, even between reason and instinct – on which the traditional idea of the mind has been built.” (pp 19-21)

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ADTA Conference Reflections

embodying research, dementia, neuroscience, children, movement choir, private practice

Fran shares her “An Australian Experience, Dance/Movement Therapy: New Currents, New Bridges The 42nd Annual Conference, of the American Dance Therapy Association”. This was sparked by the catalyst to have the honour to hear Dr. Marcia Leventhal speak at the Marion Chase Lecture titled “Transformation and Healing through Dance Therapy: the Challenge and Imperative of Holding the Vision”. A wide array of presentations are reflected upon, with snippets from each, as Fran offers encouraging inspiration and community connection to Australian DMTs. (pp 22-23)

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‘Weaving the Threads’ Conference Report

professional development, evaluation, workshops, community, publication

The 3rd Australian Dance Movement Therapy Conference “Weaving the Threads” was held at the historic convent in Abbotsford, Melbourne in November, 2007. It was presented by the Dance Therapy Association of Australia (DTAA), in collaboration with Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation (HEMF). In this review Kim acknowledges the many supporting individuals to produce a highly valuable conference for the DMT profession. Conference streams included: Skill development in dance-movement therapy; Therapeutic applications of dance for specific populations and communities; Professional issues and supervision and Research and evaluation. Kim reflected that “Delegates enjoyed the different activities; the mix of formal presentations, workshops, performances and informal networking opportunities. These offerings by local, national and international guests provided wonderful inspiration for delegates. The final session included a very lively discussion about professional issues, especially those related to the future of our profession.” (pp 25-26)

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‘Weaving the Threads’ Conference Reflections: Special Events

In this series of articles, we are pleased to present reflections on integral and exciting occasions within the conference, that included Conference Special Events: “The Movement Choir”; “Performance on the Lawn: Three Songs, Three Dances’ BAH Improvised movement collective”; “Performance from Integrate Stretch” and “Bidding Farewell Through Movement Weaving the Threads – Dancing the Metaphor.” (pp 30-35)

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Dance/movement Therapy Process: Integrating All the Elements

professional development, circle movement, DMT skills/attributes, breathing, therapeutic relationship, defence mechanisms

Lesley, Jane and Kim individually reflect on their participation in Sharon Chaiklin’s workshop at the “Weaving the threads” DMT Conference in Melbourne. Lesley expands on a scenario where important professional learning arose from incorrect group assumptions. Special qualities of Sharon’s presence and teaching expertise are featured, as well as her answer to the question “What is dance movement therapy?”. Experiential learning in partnered and group activities is described with photographs, whilst Sharon’s philosophical approach is woven throughout all three reflections. (pp 41-49)

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Physical Storytelling as a therapeutic modality within DMT & Embodying the story telling workshop

enactment, group consciousness, family therapy, kinaesthetic empathy, professional development, life patterns

Two reflective articles give unique perspectives by participants (Alice, Virginia and Natalie) in the 2 day ‘Weaving the threads’ Conference workshop that was presented by Steve Harvey and Connor Kelly. Moving moments of healing and insight are shared along with experiential processes that could be adapted to family therapy and professional development settings. A descriptive piece embodying the the story with movement, exemplifies the symbolic healing and adaptive potential of story telling and “the many aspects coming into play in the story telling as therapy”. (pp 50-54)

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Book Review: Authentic Movement – Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved Vol. 2

Patrizia Pallaro

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