ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2002 Vol. 1 No. 2


This issue explores the dimensions of ‘creativity and play’ in dance movement therapy.

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From Buenos Aires to Australia – Dance Therapy in Argentina

Argentinean dance therapy association, movement and dance therapy global networks, dance politics

An outline of the emergence of dance therapy as a profession in Argentina is given, with reference to the historical steps for course development and the inaugural conference proceedings. The author expresses optimism for the profession, amidst complex national challenges and concludes with her own pathway to becoming a dance therapist. (pp 6-7)

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Dance Therapy in Canada

Canadian dance therapy, dance therapy global network, self psychology, dance therapy in Pilates

This article overviews the various struggles perceived by one dance therapist to establish DMT in Canada including geography, funding and recognition for an emerging profession. The article concludes with the author’s path into dance therapy, through development of her own unique approach combining different body-based modalities into an educational focus for therapy. (pp 7-8)

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Learning through Play and Relationship – Sherborne Developmental Movement

Sherborne Development Method, Special education, Down’s Syndrome, Learning disabilities

The Sherborne Development Method (SDM) is part of an international organisation applying Laban movement analysis (LMA) to working with children in mainstream and special education settings. SDM focuses on play, awareness of others and feeling comfortable in one’s body. Three illustrative vignettes demonstrate and discuss the benefits of applying the SDM within special education settings, describing the experiential space for relational learning. (pp 10-13)

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Developing Learning and Play Experiences with Children through Free Movement Play and Dance

free-movement, Reggio Emilio schools, child-centred, evaluation special educational needs, early childhood health

A pilot project offered within a UK children’s centre aimed to develop children’s movement and play experiences through the use of free movement play and dance. It also intended to link with parents and enhance personal and professional development of centre staff, to sustain the work beyond the project. Evaluation revealed an improvement in child and staff/parent relationships, increased skill and knowledge competence in staff and enhanced child engagement, leading to a more child-centred environment. Greater understanding of the significance and the complexity of the work was gained by staff at the centre. (pp 13-17)

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My Creative Experience and Free Play in Life

Improvisation, Spontaneity, Free play, Dance thesis, Special needs

This article explores Lori’s journey from a thesis dance about Tourette’s, to a subsequent internship at the Noah’s Ark Family Resource and Toy Library for Children with Special Needs. This experience teaches her how to follow the direction of the children she works with in her subsequent internship. Relating strategies of improvisation to the children’s learning, the investigation concludes with observations from children with disabilities absorbed in free play.  Improvisation is described as expanding the children’s responses and range of movement in real time. (pp 17-19)

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Darkness in Motion

spatial awareness, vision impairment, children, contact improvisation, research, circle work

Educator David Eckel offers an excerpt from a literature review on his research centred on teaching dance for the visually impaired in special education settings. Core methods discussed include: instruction and language, verbal empathy in direction and the use of props, music, space and groups. Challenges in teaching creative dance to the visually impaired are discussed, with creative suggestions drawing on the special education field, dance therapy approaches and contact improvisation. (pp 22-24)

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