ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2005 Vol. 4 No. 4

Seeing With The Heart: The Aesthetics of Dance/Movement Therapy With The Elderly

psychotherapy, professional development, group dynamics, phenomenology, group symbolism

This article “Seeing with the heart” was written to provide a background for the workshop presentation of the same title, delivered at the American Dance Therapy Association’s National Conference in October 2005.

After becoming curious about where the aesthetics of dance interfaces with the aesthetics of dance movement therapy with the frail elderly, the author describes her investigation from the perspective of her “aesthetics lens” whilst looking at the dance movement therapy groups she leads with the elderly with varying stages of dementia. (pp 2-4)

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neuromuscular patterns, visualising movement, BodyMind, Somatic psychology, psychotherapy, trauma

This article describes Ideokinesis in-depth providing insight into the relationship between this practice and DMT. Neuromuscular patterns and the nervous system are explained on the conscious and unconscious levels. An overview of the history and development of this approach including the more recent ‘Nine lines of Movement’ leads in to a description of the four factors needed for a successful Ideokinetic Experience. The unique stance of Ideokinesesis compared to more traditional somatic psychotherapies is discussed, along with the model of the BodyMind as a self empowerment discipline. Illustrations throughout and reading references are provided in conclusion. (pp 5-11)

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Let The Therapy Begin: An exploration of the use of dance therapy with an eight year old child with attachment disorder

Kestenberg Movement profile, kinetic empathy, psycho-emotional development, mother-child relationship, attunement

Venita, a Social Worker and Family Counsellor, provides an in-depth discussion of her DMT approach to working with a child placed in permanent care, who had a range of challenges in relating and thriving. The sessions are described and discussed in connection with the literature on DMT and the child’s use of space and her movement styles are connected to the Kestenberg Movement profile (KMP). The healing qualities of the therapeutic relationship are explored and include shared language and experiences, kinetic empathy and expression of emotion, as the child was gradually able to move toward healing. (pp 12-15)

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Reflection on My Dance Therapy Journey

Professional Development, multi-cultural, elderly, mental health, disabilities, autism

Yumi a Japanese born Korean, reflects briefly on her journey of transformation commencing with her arrival in Australia to study DMT. Sharing both her personal experiences of becoming a Professional member of the DTAA as well as vignettes highlighting her work with different individuals and groups. (pp 16-17)

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Dance Therapy as Person Centred Care in Dementia

Professional Development, Dementia, Laban Movement Analysis, Person-centred care, Tom Kitwood, DMT research

This article was written in reflection from an experiential workshop facilitated by Dr. Heather Hill as part of a DTAA Professional Development Day in Melbourne. 

The moving introduction is outlined and then Heather offered a brief introduction to Dementia and Alzheimers touching on traditional biomedical and new treatment approaches. An experiential embodying Dementia is described along with participant’s personal responses and reflections on this activity. Person-centred care is overviewed and the workshop is completed by the showing of a video from Heather’s research with a person with Dementia. Participants moving reflections and learnings are woven into this article. (p. 18)

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Applying Dance Movement Therapy Principles in Treatment Settings

Professional development, Laban Movement Analysis, language, Professional relationships, marketing, Health care teams

This article reflects on an experiential workshop offered during a DTAA Professional Development day, facilitated by Laurel Bridges. It was intended “to enhance awareness of the skills of a DMT and the ways in which they can be used to collaborate with other healthcare professionals in order to widen the scope, knowledge of and perceived usefulness of our abilities for those other health care and educational professionals.” A range of experiential processes were explored to both increase awareness DMT skills and consider application of these skills to other professions. This process was also offers as a means to promote and market DMT enhancing communication and inclusion in health care and education teams. (pp 18-23)

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The Dynamic Architecture of Communication: Space Component of Laban Movement Analysis

emotional expression, development movement, attainment, crystalline solids, professional development

A brief review of the origins and evolution of Laban Movement Analysis is interwoven with a description of the four elements of movement: Body, Shape, Space, and Effort. Laban’s use of crystalline solids to describe patterns of movement are discussed and illustrated. (p.28)

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