2005 Vol. 4 No. 2


Five Part Session™, Quantam model, Newtonian model, children, authentic movement, boundaries, dynasphere

Dance Movement Therapy pioneer Dr Leventhal is interviewed by DMT Jane Refshauge in Melbourne, December 2004. Their conversation covered a wide range of topics such as what has shaped the developing of her personal model of DMT, training as a DMT and theoretical influences on Dr Leventhal’s practice. The Newtonian and Quantum model that Dr Leventhal developed and taught to DMT students in Australia, is explained and conceptualised and an extensive suggested reading list is provided. (pp 2-13)

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MIECAT, heuristic inquiry, phenomenological, constructivist, intersubjective, post-positivist, research, therapeutic relationship

This is an excerpt from the content:

“Virginia completed a Masters by Supervision with the Melbourne Institute for Expressive and Creative Arts Therapies (MIECAT). This article is based on phenomenological research towards the Masters award. Virginia states: “The research project took the form of an enquiry into my own processes as a dance therapist working individually with my client – in the style of a heuristic enquiry in phenomenological research, looking into an understanding of how a dance therapy process works for me as the therapist.” Research methods using a MIECAT form of inquiry with her client presenting with symptoms of anorexia, are discussed in depth, encompassing the therapist’s theoretical approach. The therapist’s personal characteristics, beliefs, values and experiences influencing her as a therapist are connected to her experience of ‘companioning’ her client, with reference to therapeutic approaches such as: bracketing, resonance/dissonance and transference/countertransference.  (pp 16-24)

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