Author/s: Rachael Byrnes
This issue continues the theme from the last issue, exploring the dimensions of ‘creativity and play’ in dance movement therapy.
Author/s: Rachael Byrnes
This issue continues the theme from the last issue, exploring the dimensions of ‘creativity and play’ in dance movement therapy.
Author/s: Tripura Kashyap
Folk dance traditions, Cultural dance traditions, Classical cultural dance
This article discusses the methods of incorporating pre-existing regional folk traditions in current dance therapy practice. The exploration concludes with further directions in performative and non-performative dance in India.
Author/s: Sabine Koch
Research, DMT Methodologies, German dance therapy
This article reports from the annual German Research and Thesis Poster session 2002. A number of studies were presented exploring different models for research in Dance movement therapy (DMT). Emphasising the contrast between qualitative and quantitative models, the report outlined methodologies, though outcomes to the studies were pending at the time.
Author/s: Karen Bond
Dance therapy methodologies, DMT efficacy, Dual sensory impairment, vision loss and hearing loss
Empirical evidence either supports dance movement therapy (DMT) for the efficacy of its techniques, or is assumed because therapeutic gains are inherent in the act of dancing. These were two theories that emerged\ from this article on research into the effects of dance therapy for children in a deaf/blind unit. The article mainly focuses on outlining the measurements for scientific testing followed by results of statistical analysis. The article concludes with further large scale study initiatives.
The chart of ‘Right Dance’ is missing, see next edition of Moving On, Vol. 1, No. 4, for an addendum to this article where the chart is printed instead.
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Author/s: David Eckel
Sensory impairment, Special education, Vision impaired children, Dance exercises for blind children
In a succession of articles on visual impairment (see also Moving On Vol. 1, No. 2), this article features findings from research on teaching dance to the visually impaired in special education. The data was obtained from children either partially sighted or vision impaired using interviews and focus groups. This research contributes to various ways of adapting dance in special education and dance movement therapy, especially for visually impaired children. (pp 15-18)
Author/s: Penny Best
play, Dance therapy curriculum, body knowledge, play strategy, Play therapy
Play, playfulness and creativity are overviewed as ways to support dance movement therapy with children and adults, enhancing body knowledge, therapy and the therapeutic relationship. (pp 19-20)
Author/s: Anna Schlusser
Performing theatre, Play in performance, Physical theatre
This article describes the format of sessions held by a physical theatre group celebrating ‘difference’ in performing theatre. Methods to promote confidence and self awareness in group members were explored. Emphasis was on the playful approach that encouraged creativity and supported group members. (pp 21-23)
Author/s: Ruth Meyer
Jenn Ben-Yakov, Irmgaard Bartenieff, Modern dance school, play therapy
This article is an extract from: “Who can I play with today? – an interview with Jenn Ben-Yakov about the Power of Play” by Ruth Meyer, published in, Nieuwsbrief voor Dans-en Bewegingsexpressie Therapie, no 69, November 2001, a newsletter for Dutch and Belgian dance and movement therapists. The editor has kindly given permission for re-printing this extract – included is the biography of Jenn Ben-Yakov from the article and follows with a section which directly quotes Jenn BenYakov herself on the power of play.