ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2008 Vol. 7 Nos. 1-2

‘Moving On’ journal: Special Hanny Exiner Commemorative Edition

Jane Guthrie and Naomi Aitchison

This special edition of DTAA’s journal commemorates and celebrates the life and work of Johanna (Hanny) Exiner (1918 – 2006). The book is a luxuriously compiled collection of writings by Hanny, writings by others about her work and reminiscences from friends, colleagues and students.

It contains the history of Hanny’s early life before she came to Australia, her work in Australia from the late 1930’s, the influences that led her to believe so strongly in the essential nature of dance; the impact she had on the development of educational dance and, later, the emergence of dance therapy in Australia.

This beautiful record of one of the great and rare pioneers in the cultural life of Australia in the twentieth century would make a valuable addition to the collection of anyone interested in the history of modern dance, dance education and dance-movement therapy in Australia.

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2008 Vol. 7 Nos. 3-4

A gathering of small knowings: An Artistic Inquiry into the Experience of using intuition in Creative Arts Therapy (research abstract).

intuition, authenticity, spontaneity, artistic inquiry, creative arts therapy, research

The following is an except from the content:

This research evolved from my consistent interest in the acknowledgement and value of intuition in creative arts therapy, and my desire to be authentic, spontaneous and intuitive in my professional practice. I chose to form an arts-based inquiry that explored how my intuition informed and inspired my creative arts therapy practice, as well as investigated intuition as a valid mode of knowing for both myself and my clients (p. 38).

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A Conversation with Denis Kelynack

Denis Kelynack, Past President of the DTAA and member of the Association since its inception (and in fact involved in dmt long before that as you will read in this feature), was interviewed by Jenny Czulak Riley, Grad. Dip. Movement & Dance (University of Melbourne), Grad Cert. Dance Therapy (University of Melbourne) who is also a founder member of the DTAA, and someone who worked hard towards the formation of the Association. She completed her Grad. Dip. in 1979, but was involved in using dance movement a very long time before that. She is the author of Growing Older, Dancing On, and is an experienced dance therapy group leader for older adults. This is a conversation between two revered pioneers of dmt in Australia. (pp 3-7)

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A Great Leap Forward

family therapy, couples therapy, systems theory, verbalising, family patterns, couples choreography

Sarah’s paper was originally published in The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 30, 1: 18-25, and has been reprinted here with the kind permission of the journal’s editors. 

This article on the work of DTAA Honorary Professional Member Denis Kelynack, psychologist and therapist was published in 1993, one year before the Incorporation of the DTAA. Still early days in the history of Australian dance-movement therapy. So the article is really interesting from a historical perspective as one example of how so many Australian practitioners, who completed early training in this country, developed dance movement therapy within the context of their existing employment and other training – in this case Clinical Psychology. (pp 8-10)

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Making the Most of Your Whole Self: Being an Embodied Therapist

mirror neurons, eating disorders, rhythmic synchrony, kinaesthetic awareness, kinaesthetic empathy, attunement

This article is adapted from ‘Becoming Whole Again: Dance/Movement Therapy For Those Who Suffer From Eating Disorders’, in The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy: Life is Dance. Routledge: NY (in press).  The article was initially published by Eating Disorder Hope (EDH). See 

This article explores concepts of embodiment in the therapeutic relational space, and describes techniques emphasising how these concepts challenge therapists to expand their own boundaries, without losing their therapeutic balance. Techniques that emanate from concepts underlying dance/movement therapy, emphasising one’s inner experience are described with conceptual approaches and reference to clients’ experiencing of therapy. (pp 11-15)

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Parkinson’s Disease, Janet Hamburg and … Dance

Movement disorders, Laban Movement Analysis, movement techniques, Bartenieff, effort, basal ganglion

A focus on Janet Hamburg’s career path is presented, preceded with some information about Parkinson’s disease, her research and work with Parkinson’s disease and the use of dance. The short articles include a story by Ann Whitcher-Gentzk Titled: ‘Hamburg close-up’ Dancer helps those with Parkinson’s rediscover everyday movement” documenting her research and award winning DVD ‘Motivating Moves for People with Parkinson’s’, made by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. (pp 16-18)

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Laban/Bartenieff- based Exercise Program to Improve Physical Function and Quality of Life Measures for People with Parkinson’s

research, functional movement, expressive movement, Bartenieff Fundamentals, activities of daily living, Beck Anxiety Inventory

Janet gave her permission to print the following presentation made by her at this symposium, which was part of the Global Celebration and the Anniversary of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, New York, 30th November 15, 2008.

The 10 week pilot study, Improvements in Daily Functioning and Walking Ability with the Motivating Moves for People with Parkinson’s Exercise Program: was presented at the 12th International Movement Disorder Society Congress Chicago. Co-researcher’s were Alicia Ann Clair and Kelly Lyons, University of Kansas. It comprised of a seated exercise program weekly in class and twice each week at home using a DVD or videotape, and showed statistically significant improvements in several measures. The movements in Motivating Moves for People with Parkinson’s (the DVD) are based on the principles developed by movement theorist Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) and his protégé Irmgard Bartenieff (1900-1981). (pp 19-20)

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A Study of Ethical Issues of Touching in Dance Therapy

culture, code of ethics, psychoanalysis, transferance, countertransferance, informed consent

This article was translated into English by Ikeda Tomoko, from Yukari’s publication in JADTA, the Japanese Journal of Dance Therapy vol.3, 4(1):1-10, 2004. Ikeda recently studied dance movement therapy in Australia at the IDTIA.

Touch often occurs between therapists and clients or between clients and clients in dance therapy. Therefore, dance therapists have to ensure that touch is used for therapeutic purposes, considering that its use raises ethical issues. To better understand the ethical use of touch in psychotherapy in both cultural groups, the author compared the Code of Ethics from several Japanese and American academies of psychotherapy. The review of the guidelines from the professional organisations reveals that therapists have to clarify the guidelines for the use of touch. Informed consent is also discussed in regards to establishing mutual agreement about the conditions in which touch is acceptable. (pp 21-26)

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Life and Art Process and Continuum

creativity, humanness, dualism, shadow phenomenon, universal story, drama

Soto describes The Life Art Process model developed by Anna Halprin and her daughter Daria Halprin and others at the Tamalpa Institute in the US. He writes from both his own personal experiencing of yoga, martial arts and doing art and living a life with this all completely intertwined in being a human being. He explains the Life/Art process through the story of a student discovering how to live her truth, where shadow work, dramatisation, performance and being witnessed were important for her healing. (pp 27-29)

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Alexander Technique and LMA

Laban Movement Analysis, complex patterning, evolution, prevention, habits, equilibrium

André studies two exercises using Laban Movement Analysis, to attempt to get an understanding of how the Alexander technique affects the body. Descriptions are given that describe the basic Alexander principles underlying the exercises and how they integrate with each other. Fundamental ideas are outlined that Alexander himself used to structure the technique as a whole and that formed his motivation for his lifetime achievements. (pp 30-34)

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My Life as a Chapter

IDTIA, research, DMT supervision, writing, authentic movement, transcultural,

Maggie shares a brief reflection on her journey from student to practitioner, which involved immersion in researching and writing a published book chapter on supervision: in Payne, H. (ed) (2008) Supervision of Dance Movement Psychotherapy, published by Routledge. (p. 35)

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Reflections – Amber Gray in Melbourne

trauma & torture, Somatic psychology, Developmental Psychology, Poly-vagel /social engagement theory, the continuum of movement, Bartenieff Fundamentals

Fiona and Jane reflect on their experiences of Amber’s workshop in two separate articles. Amber travels far and wide to war-torn countries and disaster areas applying the Center Post Framework (CPF) and Restorative Movement Psychotherapy model she has developed to assist in the treatment of the trauma, torture, and children’s traumatic stress problems, that result from these terrible events. The theory behind the work is applicable to addressing problems of anxiety, stress disorders, or traumas from injury or illness. (pp 44-47)

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