ARBN 679434649

Rob Baum

Rob Baum – Bio


Dr Rob Baum is currently completing her Grad Dip in Dance Movement Therapy at the International Dance Therapy Institute of Australia (IDTIA), of which she is currently Convenor. She works with the frail elderly and intellectually disabled performers, is interested in traumatic psych populations. She is Head of the Centre of Drama and Theatre Studies at Monash University, where she teaches dramatic theory, expressive movement and performance theory.

Surviving Absence: Preliminary Findings on Dance Therapy and War Trauma

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

trauma, PTSD, war, Holocaust, dementia, dance/movement therapy

Page #: 118

This article contains preliminary findings from research on trauma, archival and experiential; explains dance- movement therapy’s (DMT) relationship with trauma; and identifies an absence in DMT literature: case studies of work with Holocaust survivors. Interrogating the rarity of DMT work with post-traumatic stress disorder and civilian war trauma, Baum discusses current trauma methodologies and mentalities. Baum queries what dance/ movement therapists could offer (even if they have not) to lead people with post-traumatic stress disorder, or other traumatic effects of war, to enjoy healthier, more integrated lives. She calls for construction of new clinical frameworks expressly for survivors of war.



Review – Helen Payne’s Workshop on “Authentic Movement” I see a Mover

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 No. 1

therapeutic process, Carl Rogers, somatisisation, impulse work, stillness, therapeutic relationship, group work

Sally gives an introduction of a 3 day workshop that she participated in, by commencing with the 10 ground rules for facilitating an Authentic Movement session. Processes of Authentic Movement and roles of ‘The Mover’ and ‘The Witness’ are described with examples from the workshop. Expressive journal reflections from the workshop are shared giving a sense of the transformative power of this experience. Rob describes her experiences of the workshop by discussing the meaningfulness of the challenges and restrictions of Authentic Movement. Rob also shares the significant shifts and differences she notices within herself post the workshop, supported by the generosity of time offered in the experientials. (pp 22-24)

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‘Weaving the Threads’ Conference Reflections: Special Events

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

In this series of articles, we are pleased to present reflections on integral and exciting occasions within the conference, that included Conference Special Events: “The Movement Choir”; “Performance on the Lawn: Three Songs, Three Dances’ BAH Improvised movement collective”; “Performance from Integrate Stretch” and “Bidding Farewell Through Movement Weaving the Threads – Dancing the Metaphor.” (pp 30-35)

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Some thoughts on Sharon Chaiklin

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

embodied, teaching, professional development, dancing body, therapeutic dance, processes

In this brief reflection Rob focuses on her experiences of Sharon’s facilitation of the three-day workshop at the “Weaving the threads” DTAA conference in 2007. Rob openly shares her learning challenges and her appreciation of Sharon’s simple and clear style and her emphasis on the importance of embodiment “to be in our bodies—bringing a heightened awareness to the experience of being with another being, in which a client is nourished, held and also embodied.” (pp 12-13)

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