Kim Peel – Bio
Author/s: Kim Peel
Kim has a cert. DMT (IDTIA), is a DTAA committee member and is studying at MIECAT
Author/s: Kim Peel
Kim has a cert. DMT (IDTIA), is a DTAA committee member and is studying at MIECAT
Author/s: Jane Refshauge, Kim Peel , Lesley Hawkins
Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4
professional development, circle movement, DMT skills/attributes, breathing, therapeutic relationship, defence mechanisms
Lesley, Jane and Kim individually reflect on their participation in Sharon Chaiklin’s workshop at the “Weaving the threads” DMT Conference in Melbourne. Lesley expands on a scenario where important professional learning arose from incorrect group assumptions. Special qualities of Sharon’s presence and teaching expertise are featured, as well as her answer to the question “What is dance movement therapy?”. Experiential learning in partnered and group activities is described with photographs, whilst Sharon’s philosophical approach is woven throughout all three reflections. (pp 41-49)