ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2011 Vol. 9 Nos. 3-4


A full edition with reflections on Australian octogenarian dance-movement therapy pioneer – Mary Builth, conference papers and reports focussing from Australia’s: ‘Arts and Health International Conference’ and the ADTA’s annual conference are presented. A new peer reviewed section and the DTAA’s latest publication is reviewed, with the inclusion of articles on the fields of DMT in special education, developing your business and movement in the field of expressive arts. Tributes to Naomi Audette/ Mirabai Light are shared.

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A focus on Mary Builth: Then and Now …

nature connection, education, community, private practice, Laban, authentic movement, connection

Mary’s reflection’s on her journey with dance, span from her childhood on the moors of Northern England, travelling widely to then settle in Australia. Starting out in physical education and studies with Rudolf Laban unfolded into teaching creative educational dance to people across the lifespan. Mary describes her pathway, being one of the first students with Dr. Marcia Leventhal and the depths and breadths of her work across diverse settings with private practice, group work and teaching. Woven throughout this reflective article is Mary’s passion for DMT’s potential to empower and live with wholeness and to access the “…inner world, that revives, renews and refreshes…”. (pp 4-6)

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Dancing From Within

Jung, Laban, Clarissa P. Estes, psychodynamic, phenomenological, humanistic, authentic dance

Mary reflects on her formative years training with Laban and Dr. Marcia Leventhal on her pathway to developing her approach to DMT as true pioneer in the field. Drawing on her private practice, group work and teaching, Mary shares her widely inspired DMT philosophies and her perspectives on the professional development potential for DMT in South Australia. Testimonials shared give rich evidence of the transforming effect of Mary’s work as a DMT. (pp 7-10)

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Reclaiming ‘wild’ life energy: the dance therapist as catalyst for connection

vital energy, nature, soul self, improvisation, play, intuition, Dr. Marcia Leventhal

Elizabeth inquired into the way that DMT Mary Builth shares her connection with vital energy with her clients, discovering a spirited exuberance for dance movement and it’s healing potentials in therapy. The discussion reflected on shared training with Dr. Marcia Leventhal and the inspiration of Jung, Laban and Clasrissa Pinkola Estes. Mary describes her practice both with a client who had cancer and with a group of women, reflecting on the transforming and empowering qualities of DMT. (pp 11-13)

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New directions for the field of expressive arts

psychotherapy, community, group work, social change, healing, conflict resolution,

This article has been expanded for publication in Moving on. An abbreviated version of this article was published in In Praise of Poiesis, Part 3, for the Poesis Journal, EGS (European Graduate School in Switzwerland) Press, 2008. The author describes her own journey in the fields of expressive arts therapy and her perspective of the challenges and questions to be worked through for the field’s evolution. (pp 14-17)

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Video Self Portrait: A Tangible Artefact of the Movement Arts

intermodal, expressive arts therapy, flow, Csikszentimihalyi, phenomenological, mirror neuron theory, authentic movement

The Halprin method of movement-based expressive arts employs the modalities of movement and dance, expressive drawing and creative writing to facilitate the creation of self portrait dances connected to real life issues. Adding the medium of video to this process enables the dancer to view their expressive movement, and to create a tangible artefact, an edited video piece. In this study a single participant is facilitated in the creation of a video self-portrait. The thematic analysis reveals ‘authenticity’ as central, relating closely to other themes such as ‘freedom’. The making of a video self-portrait facilitates a therapeutic outcome – the participant has a strong emotional and kinaesthetic response to her video piece and her experiences of the
process correspond closely to Csikszentmihalyi’s model of a ‘flow experience’. (pp 18-27)

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Dance Therapy with Dementia Residents

person-centred, soul, touch, connection, dynamic relationship, aliveness, loving attention

A descriptive piece drawing on the author’s circle based group dmt sessions details the relational qualities and approaches to the work. Reflective vignettes from other authors’ personal experiences with people with dementia set the tone for this work that is described as soul connecting and enlivening. Working within an aged care home setting, the author discusses both the practicalities of working in this setting and the ways-of-being that supports the goals of dmt for this program. (pp 28-31)

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Not Like Pills – The Arts and Relationship in Dementia Care

creative arts therapy, alternative language, relationship, presence, transformation

Heather and William state: “As arts therapy practitioners/group leaders in the field of dementia, we have come to appreciate the prime role of relationship when engaging people with dementia in arts experiences.” And “In this paper, we elaborate on what we mean by relationship and the arts, and embody this discussion through examples from our own practice”. (pp 32-35)

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Developing A Framework For Assessment Of Movement And Dance Programs: for people with intellectual disabilities

intellectual disability, assessment, evaluation, electronic tool trial, teaching & learning, measuring progress

This article outlines a collaborative project being undertaken by two Melbourne based dance movement therapists to develop a framework for assessment in dance-movement therapy (dmt) programs for people with intellectual disabilities. Kim is contributing her developing expertise in evaluation of arts program, program logic and theory of change that is part of the focus of her current PhD research, as well as a background in dmt with people with intellectual disabilities.  Sue brings teacher training, special education and dmt expertise and the opportunity for reflective practice, with day to day experience facilitating a dmt program with intellectually disabled children.  In this article, Kim and Sue discuss their plans, what they are seeking to achieve and how this might be of benefit to dmts, especially those in the disability field. (pp 36-38)

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Leveraging Your Creativity for Business Success

vision, private practice, networking, small business development, creative ideas

Shannon shares a few encouraging processes for launching your own creative small business, including: create a clear vision for your life and business, create a system to capture your inspired moments and surrounding yourself with an inspiring tribe.
(pp 39-41)

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Book Review: Evaluating the woven tapestry of Australian Dance Movement Therapy

Kim Dunphy, Jane Guthrie & Elizabeth Loughlin

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Reflections on the 45th ADTA Conference in Brooklyn, New York

professional development, academic writing, stream of consciousness, authentic movement, online tools, DMT technologies

Sue shares her experiences both attending the Conference themed: ‘Creating the Mind-Body Mosaic: Theory, Research and Practice in Dance/Movement Therapy’. Her participation at two presentations is discussed: Firstly: ‘Moving, Sensing, Meaning and the Written Word in Print’ and secondly: ‘Dance/Movement Therapy and Educational Technology: Cross-pollinating Models using e- Learning, e-Research and e-Outreach’. (pp 48-49)

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Arts and Health International Conference Report

dementia, improvisation, wellbeing, relationship-based, mixed methods research, participatory research, mental illness

The following report on the 2nd Annual International Arts and Health Conference “The Art of Good Health and Wellbeing” held at the Sydney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne, 16-19 November 2010, was written for ‘Moving On’ by Heather Hill. Heather also presented a paper at this conference with William Feez, ‘Not Like Pills – The Arts and Relationship in Dementia Care’. (pp 50-51)

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