ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2014 Vol. 12 Nos. 1-2

Using Physical Storytelling to Investigate Youth Suicide in New Zealand

youth suicide, dance improvisation, physical storytelling, arts-based inquiry, qualitative approach, metaphors

This article explores how an arts-based approach involving Physical Storytelling has been used by researchers in New Zealand as an intervention within the area of youth suicide. Harvey, Ndengeya and Kelly introduce the concepts behind Physical Storytelling and discuss how imagery, metaphor, improvisation and dance lead to creative connections which helps cultivate a safe space for strong emotions to be explored. The authors provide case studies to highlight how Physical Storytelling provides a framework for investigating themes arising out of the work such as Journey, Tragedy and Fairytale. Dramatic themes, often difficult to put into words, were identified by the authors as being important responses which were physically embodied through improvisation. This article gently explores the extreme vulnerability of suicidality and calls for professionals to enter into the “communicative aspect” of crisis intervention which involves moving beyond a mental health perspective. (pp. 2-10)

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Weaving Family Threads: Notes on Early Intervention Music-Movement Program Supporting Parent-Child Relations

parent-child relationship, socio-emotional awareness, physical movement, aural receptivity, self-regulation, early intervention

This is an excerpt from the content:

Weaving Family Threads was a program designed and facilitated for pre-school aged children and their parents/carers, within an early intervention program in 2011. Children with additional needs such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, auditory comprehension and communication developmental delay participated through movement, imaginative play, singing and art- making. The sessions aimed to support the development of the children‟s socio-emotional awareness, physical movement, aural receptivity and comprehension, self-regulating and soothing strategies and positive parent-child interaction. The stages within the sessions are described in this paper, along with how the approach dovetailed with the existing specialist perspectives of the intervention program. Challenges of behavioural dynamics and pre- program/post-program rating scales and comments made by parents are presented and discussed. (pp 11-19)

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An Expat in India: Exploring movement with marginalized children

marginalized children, India, boundaries, sense-of-self, emotions, empathy

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This article is about an American Dance Movement Therapist who lived in Bangalore, India for eighteen months and practiced Dance Movement Therapy with marginalized children in an under privileged school. The article describes the program and the results after being implemented for a year. The program focused on building a positive sense of self and a decrease in aggressive behavior through empathy and positive interpersonal relationship skills. The article also describes the dance movement therapist’s experiences while working with the marginalized Indian children. (pp 20-24)

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Still Dancing with Barbara

laban/bartenieff, kinesthetic sense, power, transformation, creative potential, sensitivity

In this personal reflection Lucy recalls her time studying with Barbara Mettler at a Winter Intensive during the 1980’s. Lucy reflects on some of the movement practices which she experienced during this week and articulates how these ideas continue to inform her dance practice by deepening her sensitivity to her “moving, dancing self.” Lucy calls to mind a particular experiential facilitated by Mettler (an exploration of the state of paralysis into mobility) and discusses how she still, to this day, draws upon the bodily learning which took place many years ago by calling upon the wisdom of the body help to navigate through life’s “rough patch(es)” with ever fresh creative potential. (pp 25-26)

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Part Two: To Dance Is (More than Just) a Radical Act

sensory awareness, knowledge, relationships, pleasure, desire, play

Part Two – follows on from Part One, printed in our last issue of Moving On, Vol, 11, 3 and 4, pp. 55-57.

LaMothe describes a dynamic process of learning which takes place through the body. The cultivation of sensory awareness, new bodily movements and greater awareness of natural bodily rhythms are primary resources for the generation of knowledge, according to LaMothe. In this article LaMothe asks the reader to consider the ways in which the act of dancing might yield alternative kinds of knowledge, or ways of knowing which create “mutually enabling relationships with the nature at work in us, through us, and around us.” The kind of knowledge that movement generates, argues LaMothe, leads to a rediscovery of our bodies as agents of play, desire and pleasure, which ultimately lead us toward greater freedom and enjoyment of our embodied existence as a whole. (pp 27-29)

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Dance Movement Therapy in the Philippines: The Journey From ‘DMT’ To ‘DME’

relaxation, social recreation, physical education, leisure education, de-stressing, supporting community

Dimarucut provides a short brief on the role of Dance-Movement Therapy in the Philippines and highlights the various programs and initiatives in which DMT is being incorporated. (p. 32).

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Professional Development Reflections. Becoming Human – workshops run by Penelope Best

February 14-16th 2014 at Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne.

Presenter: Penelope Best.

Reflections: Michelle Royal, Sally Denning, Judith Adcock, Virginia Woods (pp 55-61)

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World News

This is an excerpt from the content:

We announced the sad news of the loss of two great influences in DMT, Dr Valerie Hunt and Warren Lamb, in our last issue. Just prior to publishing the last issue, we also received the news of the loss of another great influence in the movement world, Emilie Conrad. We invited other tributes to these great people who dedicated their lives to their work, and were pleased to receive for publication in Moving On, the memorial Address Dr Marcia Leventhal gave for Dr Hunt and a tribute to Emilie Conrad forwarded to us by Amber Gray.

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Book Review: Body memory, metaphor and movement

Editors: Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michaela Summa & Cornelia Müller (pp 50-51).


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