ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2014 Vol. 11 Nos. 3-4

The Writings of Naomi Audette: Part 2

research, artistic inquiry, heuristic inquiry, somatic empathy, mapping, somatic counter-transference

This is an excerpt from the content:

The following articles focus on Naomi Audette‘s Masters work and her investigations into the nature of Somatic Empathy. Naomi sought to address a gap in current dance movement therapy (DMT) literature with her deepening research into the subjective experience of this phenomenon.

The first article: ‘Honouring the voice of the body; Dance Movement Therapy research from the inside out’, tackles an ongoing conundrum for researchers into DMT and describes her choice of research methodology. The second article: ‘Listening through our bodies’, describes in detail her subjective experience of Somatic Empathy as it relates to established frameworks in DMT and other literature. In the third article: ‘Dance Movement Therapy as Rites of Passage – Capturing the Unconscious Field of the DMT Group’, Naomi describes the psychodynamic themes (transference and counter transference) discovered and elucidated though this process. (pp 2-27)

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Ensemble Improvisation as a Developmental Tool

contact improvisation, social therapeutics method, collectively creating, community building, group work, kinaesthetic listening

Sandra describes her personal and professional journey with dance and ensemble group improvisation, through reference to her teachers, her training at East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy (ESI) in New York and the formation of her own practice offering her work in performance and educational settings. The significant transforming and healing capacities that improvisation has given the author, as well as it’s scope for community building through the Social Therapeutic Method are explored. A collectively created moment shared with other dancers is amplified to exemplify how performers listen, respond, negotiate and make decisions leads into discussion of how the activity of building and creating the group is what is therapeutic. The expansion of the work through classes, performances and workshops internationally concludes the article, along with a final vignette reinforcing the importance of ‘kinaesthetic listening’ as experienced by one workshop participant. (pp 28-31)

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Evidence of Learning – how can we know about student progress in school-based dmt programs?

children, disabilities, research, assessment framework, non-verbal/verbal communication, connection with others

This is an excerpt from the content:

The following is a report on a study completed by Sue who was a recipient of the Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation grant in 2011. Sue used the grant to investigate assessment strategies appropriate to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) assessment framework and which suited her dmt program in a school with students with disabilities. The project included use of the movement assessment tool, ‘Framework for Dance Movement Assessment’, developed by Sue in collaboration with Kim Dunphy, to investigate summative as well as formative assessment processes. Sue’s report to HEMF has been modified for publication in this issue of Moving On. This research was the foundation of an iPad app developed by Sue and Kim: ‘Marking the Moves’: the world’s first iPad app for dance movement assessment, launched in 2015 and now commercially available. (pp 32-41)

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The Creative Embodied Experience: The role of the body and the arts in infant mental health

intersubjectivity, parent-child dyad, Laban Movement Analysis, attachment, non-verbal communication, mirror neurons

This article was previously published in The Signal, Newsletter of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Vol. 19, No. 3, July – September 2011, pp.1-8. We are grateful to Debbie Weatherston, the editor of The Signal, who kindly gave us permission to reprint it in the DTAA ‘Moving On Journal’.

This article gives an in-depth discussion of the DMT based program called ‘Ways of seeing’ developed by Suzi Tortora, in her work supporting parent-child relationships. “‘Ways of Seeing‘ utilises nonverbal movement observation, dance, movement, motor development and body awareness activities, music, and play for the assessment, intervention and educational programing of children and their families. These programs are based on the observational analysis principles of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA); Infancy and early childhood theory, and dance movement theory practice.” The program is described theoretically and with a case study of a mother and her 6 month old baby, exemplifying the processes and protocols of the program, including use of the observational tool: ‘Dyadic Atachement-based Nonverbal Communication Expressions (D.A.N.C.E.) also designed by Tortora. (pp 41-51)

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Collaboration through Movement: KMP Movement Patterns underlying Mutuality and Disconnection

Kestenberg Movement Profile, interpersonal functioning, non-verbal relationship, developmental assessment, psychological assessment, therapeutic relationship

This an excerpt from the content:

The following article was prepared by Susan for the ADTA 46th Annual Conference, in 2011, in Minneapolis – Collaborations: Different Identities, Mutual Paths, and is a part of the conference proceedings. It is reprinted with Susan’s kind permission.

The Kestenberg Movement Profile can provide a tool for enhancing the understanding of the subtle and intricate possibilities for nonverbal collaboration. An increased knowledge of the complexities involved in non-verbal communication serves to promote self and clinical understanding and intervention methods. Movement patterns that increase facility toward mutually conscious responses toward connection and disconnection will be presented. (pp 52-54)

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To Dance is a Radical Act

interdependence, knowledge, joy, consciousness, relational bodily self, patterns of movement, creativity

This article was published in Psychology Today Online, on November 29, 2011, and is from What a Body Knows: Finding wisdom in Desire. It is reprinted with Kimerer’s kind permission.

Kimera commences this article by stating: “The practice of dancing is vital to our survival as humans on earth” – this sets the tone for a strong case as to why dancing matters, explaining that “if dancing makes a difference to how we humans think and feel and act – then dancing challenges the values that fund modern western cultures”. Her case is further supported by giving an explanation of the power of dance as a radical act for our bodily selves, our relational selves and our ways of knowing “that cannot be mediated to us in words” as well as the “primal joy” of moving our bodily selves. Further discussion explores the “span of the universe that you are”, the “play with movement that is making us”, our ranges of movement potentiality and healing opportunities, as well as our creativity. (pp 55-57)

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Dancing in Japan

dementia, Sherbourne Development Movement, cross-cultural connection, disabilities, children, professional development

Heather provides a descriptive overview of her 2 week trip to Japan including giving a presentation on dance and dementia, supporting the launching of an educational DVD and visiting various organisations to promote and share DMT. Heather shares her perception of Japanese culture including their interpersonal qualities and aesthetics, along with a concluding reference to journal article published by the AJDT about touch in DMT in Japan. (pp 60-62)

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Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) Moves in Asia

professional development, children, developmental movement, dementia, disabilities, Kesternberg Movement Profile

Lillian a DMT pioneer in Asia, describes the rapid growth of DMT across parts of Asia including Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. Commencing with her own training in Australia and the training she initiated with DMT training in Singapore, the development is outlined in each country across a wide array of settings. DMT sessions and workshops have been offered to both professionals and groups, with further scope for broadening and strengthening the awareness and presence of DMT in Asia. (pp 63-65)

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