2004 Vol. 3 No. 3


sexual assault, body awareness, memories, associations, transformation, group relationship, inter-subjective

This is a excerpt from the content:

This research illuminates the lived experience of five women survivors of sexual assault within a group dance therapy program. The setting of the study is an adult therapy program offered to women survivors at the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault, East Bentleigh, Victoria. Five women, aged in their twenties and all survivors of child sexual assault, agreed to participate in the inquiry. Following a phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology, the study seeks to elucidate meanings attributed by the women to their experiences. The inquiry draws on multi-modal sources of verbal and nonverbal evidence, including audio recordings of session conversations; client journals; one-page summaries written by the women at the conclusion of each session; video recordings; and specific movement observations. In keeping with a phenomenological perspective, analysis incorporates systematic step by step reduction, integration and synthesis of data, all the time remaining true to the women’s wording of their experiences. Copy of thesis available at the ERC Library, University of Melbourne. (p. 25)

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authentic movement, expressive arts therapies, unconscious, postnatal depression, games, musical instruments

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Wesley Institute hosted a professional development day for dance/movement therapists and those interested in dance therapy or allied movement forms. The day was divided into two parts: an Authentic Movement workshop presented by Linda Murrow, dance therapist and lecturer at RMIT, Melbourne; and a workshop on post-natal depression and dance therapy, presented by Juliette Kirkwood, a graduate of Wesley Institute. The day ended with a time to meet each other and share dance therapy experiences. An overview of each workshop is given, describing different experiential activities and Robyn’s reflective experiencing of engaging in them. (pp 13-14)

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Awareness through movement (ATM), Feldenkrais, Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, Ideokinesis, Alexander Technique

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A very inspiring and successful professional development day organised by the DTAA and Hanny Exiner Memorial Foundation took place on Saturday 4th September, 2004 at Cecil Street Studio.

Ana Irene Gioino reflected on her experience of the workshop: ‘The Dance that connects Feldenkrais and Dance Therapy’, presented by Bella Grossberg, which involved an Awareness Through Movement (ATM), a gentle Feldenkrais session that led into a beautiful personal dance experience. Jenny Czulak Riley reflected on her experience of  Susan Maling’s workshop, ‘The Conscious Body and Emotional Expression’ which provided an experiential exploration of Wilhelm Reich’s (originator of body-based psychotherapy) influence on her work. In conclusion Robyn Price reflected on her experience of the workshop led by Shona Innes: ‘Ideokinesis, Alexander Technique and Dancing’. She touched on the Alexander Technique, but demonstrated in particular how Ideokinesis can facilitate dance experience and integrate imagination and body and allow a deep connection to spontaneous creativity. (pp 15-18)

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psychoanalysis, neuropsychology, psychotherapeutic, breathing postures, touch, bioenergetics, Orgone Energy

A brief overview of William Reichs’ (originator of body-based psychotherapy) career path is outlined commencing with his graduation as a doctor of medicine, moving on to reference to his alternative views, scientific experimentation and research and concluding with a focus on his theoretical perspectives of the body. Amongst Reich’s huge range of theories and discoveries, a focus is given to expanding on how his theories of the body have possibly influenced dance movement therapy, with a link to psychotherapeutic studies and the use of touch. (pp 19-20)

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performance, aged care, choreography, touch, rehearsals, transformation

The making of the the performance ‘Paper Dolls’ – a part truth part fiction dance theatre work written and choreographed by DMT Sylvia Forbes is described from it’s inception, with a focus on the main 84 year old character “Connie’. Performed by a multi-aged all female cast ranging from seven to eighty-four years, it required regular rehearsals that supported Connie to experience many therapeutic benefits. The changes in Connie are affirmed by her family’s reflections on her engagement in the project. (pp 23-24)

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community arts, reflective writing, exhibition, feminine, art making, photography

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“The Moving Stories of Women”, was a community dance project by Rebecca Byrne, Donna Hamilton and the Living Dance community, with photos by Marie Foster. It was held in May 2004 at the Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery, in Fremantle. The exhibition of photos, stories, artwork and fabric, was made possible by The State of Western Australia through ArtsWA and the Community Arts Network – sponsored by The City of Fremantle and Creative Spaces. This project, set over project over 9 months ‘set out to create a collage of femininity, capturing universal voice through movement, photography, text, drawings and fabric.’ (pp 9-11)

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Tamalpa Institute, Daria Halprin, ‘life/art process’, transformational dance, Circle the Earth, professional development

Tony Norquay, Viv Neale and Denis Kelynack, each share a reflection on their connection with Anna Halprin. (pp 5-8)

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self-reflexivity, Social Constructionist, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Experiential learning

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This paper reflects an evolving model of training and practice, the Parker-Best Co-Creative Approach. This has emerged out of the authors’ desire to appreciate, wonder about and work with, the richness of difference during the evolution of their collaborative training relationship, over more than a decade. This may be applied in many other contexts of therapy, training and life in general. Together, they have developed a model of relationship which honoured an active appreciation of their very different worldviews, and movement preferences, at specific points in time and context. (pp 2-4)

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Irmgard Bartnieff, Laban Movement Analysis, Labanotation, LMA/BF, back pain

We would like to thank Laban Institute of Movement Studies for allowing us to quote passages from the information in the article – ‘Betsy Kagan – Certified Movement Analyst of the month of March and April 2004’.

Betsy Kagan, a visitor from the USA was in Melbourne in 2004 to present at the 5th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain Effective Diagnosis and Treatment of Lumbopelvic Pain. This article overviews her professional development, as well as an overview of her conference presentation. (pp 21-22)

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