ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2004 Vol. 3 No. 4

Evaluation of a Movement and Dance Program in Head Injury Rehabilitation

head injury, rehabilitation, movement range, adaptability, postural awareness, movement confidence

This is an excerpt from the content:

This thesis reports on the application of Movement and Dance therapy (MDT) in head injury rehabilitation. The research adopted a mixed method approach to examine whether a cause and effect relationship could be established between MDT and movement quality and control. Sub categories of questions posed related to whether MDT could increase movement range; adaptability to the environment; postural awareness and alignment, and movement confidence (p. 21). [/not_logged_in]

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Would you like to dance?

Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, person-centred care, personhood, facilitation, relationship, research, Kitwood

This talk was presented by Dr Heather Hill (PhD, M.Ed., B.A., Grad. Dip. Movement and Dance, Grad. Cert. Dance Therapy, Professional Member of the Dance Therapy Association) to the 8th National Residential Aged Care Facility Conference for Leisure, Recreation & Lifestyle Staff, Melbourne on 11th November 2004. It addresses the questions: What dance?, Who can dance? and Why dance? with reference to people living with Dementia. The benefits of dance are described in detail, covering the ‘nature of dance’ and the ‘content of dance’, with many adaptable ideas for this and many other settings. (pp 2-8)

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Remembering Irmgard

Laban/Bartenieff, Bartenieff Fundamentals™, Labanotation, Alzheimers, movement analysis, pioneer

This article is reprinted with permission from the ADTA newsletter, Vol. 37, No.1 & 2, Spring & Summer, p. 16-18, 2003. Irmgard Bartneiff (1900 – 1981) is the founder of Bartenieff Fundamentals™, here she is remembered by her student Betsy Kagen in a reflective tone, with personal stories and intimate moments shared, whilst her learning is illuminated and exemplified. (pp 8-11)

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A Reflection – Looking Beyond the Muscles at the Movement

Bartenieff Fundamanetals™, LMA experientials, biochmechanical model, early development sequences, movement analysis,

Jane describes her participation in Betsy Kagen’s post Conference workshop in “The Fifth interdisciplinary World Conference on Low back pain and pelvic pain”. Betsy’s presentation was titled: “Addressing Injury, Pain and Rehabilitation through Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (LMA/BF): A Holistic Model of Movement”. (pp 11-12)

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Affiliation of Space: A presentation of Mandala and the Self in dance therapy

therapeutic space, Jung, humanistic approach, individuation, Integrative Body Therapy (IBT), witnessing

This is an excerpt from the content:

“Inspired by the archetypal image of the mandala (Jung, 1972) and a body/mind approach to space and awareness, I will describe the way the Self can manifest within the layers of personal, interpersonal and general space and how the potential for healing can be accessed through them and embodied in dance therapy. After defining the Therapeutic Space and the Self, I will offer the universal mandala as a model and metaphor of the healing space. The ‘where’ of therapy in terms of individual process will be discussed from the perspectives of both therapist and client. This includes: the core of the Self connected with the breath, the inner or interpersonal Space found in the relationship between therapist and client and others in the group, and finally moving into the general Space incorporating observation, witnessing and the therapy room.” (pp 14-18)

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