Author/s: Jane Guthrie, Naomi Aitchison
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Author/s: Jane Guthrie, Naomi Aitchison
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Author/s: Sue Mullane
Sexual assault, Female trauma survivors, DMT evaluation, Methodological strategies in sexual assault cases, Clinical treatment
In Dance movement therapy (DMT) practice, clients can express emotional responses that are otherwise confronting to verbalise. The potential application of dance/movement therapy (DMT) in sexual assault cases is discussed in this article. The study aimed to test the suitability of DMT in clinical treatment for female sexual assault survivors. Previous research relying on therapist evaluations, the methodological strategy of this study drew on different qualitative approaches to achieve the most accurate client records. Results of DMT application in this population were body knowledge, positive bodily experiences and feelings of body safety. The conclusive findings for nonverbal strategies in bodily trauma therapy point to further research into dance therapy within the sexual assault field. (pp 2-10)
Author/s: Joan S. Ingalls
Interdisciplinary experience, social therapy, sports counselling, athlete treatment, professional development
This paper focuses on the intertwining of social therapy, psychotherapy and group dance therapy. The interdisciplinary experience was a central experience in the author’s own professional development. The therapeutic relationship illustrated in a vignette, focuses on social therapy. Despite achieving similar results to psychotherapy, social therapy enhanced the author’s insight. Links made to current thinking in sociology and psychotherapy conclude the article. (pp 11-16)
Author/s: David Eckel
Special education, research, Espenak Movement Diagnosis Tests, LMA, KMP
This paper applies traditional dance therapy assessment tools to settings other than clinical psychology. Three assessment tools were evaluated for their suitability in the special education setting: Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), Espenak Movement Diagnosis Tests and The Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP). Results conservatively suggested the application of Espenak Movement Diagnosis Tests and LMA and more confidently the KMP tool to assess children in a special education setting. The article concludes with a discussion on the benefits of movement assessment and further research within the field. (pp 17-22)
Author/s: Elizabeth Moser
Trudy Schoop, Fritz Perls, professional development, psychotherapy, Tomatis method, Psycho-Phonology
An overview is provided of the founding and development of DMT in Switzerland since the 1970s, including the author’s professional journey and her training in Europe. (p. 23)
Author/s: Kim Dunphy