ARBN 679434649

Jane Refshauge

Jane Refshauge – Bio


Jane Refshauge, BA, MFA, DipDMT (IDTIA), MAPs, AuSTAT, has a background in the performing arts and psychology. She has studied, performed and taught dance and movement disciplines, that have developed from the premise that the body is a “psycho-physical unity”, working within professional dance studios, tertiary and secondary educational institutions, and psychiatric hospital settings.  She studied Ideo-kinesis with Andre Bernard, Body-Mind Centring with Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen, Kinetic Awareness with Elaine Summers and the Alexander Technique with June Ekman and Marjorie Barstow among others. In 1979 she met and worked with Deborah Hay and was invited by her to become a founding member of The Deborah Hay Dance Company in 1980. In 1984 she completed her MFA in Acting and Performance at the Tisch School of the Arts, NYU. On returning to Australia in 1984 Jane was invited to teach at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) in the School of Dance. She qualifed as a teacher of the Alexander Technique in 1989.  She undertook an internship in Dance Movement Therapy at Princeton House, a unit of the Medical Centre at Princeton, New Jersey, under the supervision of Barbara Harrison. Jane’s Dance Movement Therapy Diploma, was completed under the direction of Dr Marcia Leventhal in 2003. She currently works in private practice as a psychologist utilizing both dance movement therapy and movement re-integration modalities and is completing her masters degree in Psychoanalytic Studies with the Department of Psychological Medicine, Monash University.

An Interview with Dr Marcia B. Leventhal

Edition: 2005 Vol. 4 No. 2

Five Part Session™, Quantam model, Newtonian model, children, authentic movement, boundaries, dynasphere

Dance Movement Therapy pioneer Dr Leventhal is interviewed by DMT Jane Refshauge in Melbourne, December 2004. Their conversation covered a wide range of topics such as what has shaped the developing of her personal model of DMT, training as a DMT and theoretical influences on Dr Leventhal’s practice. The Newtonian and Quantum model that Dr Leventhal developed and taught to DMT students in Australia, is explained and conceptualised and an extensive suggested reading list is provided. (pp 2-13)

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Dance/movement Therapy Process: Integrating All the Elements

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

professional development, circle movement, DMT skills/attributes, breathing, therapeutic relationship, defence mechanisms

Lesley, Jane and Kim individually reflect on their participation in Sharon Chaiklin’s workshop at the “Weaving the threads” DMT Conference in Melbourne. Lesley expands on a scenario where important professional learning arose from incorrect group assumptions. Special qualities of Sharon’s presence and teaching expertise are featured, as well as her answer to the question “What is dance movement therapy?”. Experiential learning in partnered and group activities is described with photographs, whilst Sharon’s philosophical approach is woven throughout all three reflections. (pp 41-49)

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