ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2006 Vol. 5 No. 2

Dancing the Demons Away: Dance/Movement Therapy as a Tool in Counseling Sexually Abused Children in the Philippines

Psychotherapy research, Piers-Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Movement Indicator Checklist for Sexually Abused Children, Trauma, body image, LMA, KMP

This research was a pioneering study in the Philippines on the use of Dance Movement therapy (DMT) in counselling sexually abused female children that were institutionalised in a government shelter. It was undertaken as a final fulfilment for an M.Ed., course at the University of the Philippines and was submitted in March 2005.

Dinghy pioneered the first Master’s thesis on Dance therapy in her country with this research that used purposive sampling with five girls (ages 6-9 years old) who attended ten DMT sessions over a period of two months. Discussion centres on the researcher’s intention to explore the nature of trauma for these girls as well as their movement characteristics, and the possible healing effects of DMT, specifically on their body image and self-concept. This successful study paves the way for further innovative and creative forms of psychotherapy for sexually abused children in the Phillipines. (pp 2-9)

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Let There Be Light! Phillip Light – Interviewed

African dance, drumming, percussion, Elderly, Disability, Children, Aboriginal Culture

Jenny shares a conversation with Phillip about his dance journey from Israeli folk dance to working with a wide range of groups offering drumming, Cultural dance classes and dance movement therapy experiences. Diverse travel and cultural experiences overseas and throughout Australia are reflected upon. These have inspired Phillip’s unique approach to working with; elderly clients who may have dementia, with physically and intellectually disabled children and teenagers and more recently clients with acquired brain injury. (pp 10-13)

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Music and Imagery Conference in New Zealand ‘Challenge and Delight’

Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM), PTSD, Transference, Countertransference, Journalling, Self care, Disability, supervision

Conner gives an in-depth overview of the workshops and presentations on offer including her’s and Joanna Booth’s experiential participation in many sessions including; “Counselling and the Law”, using BMGIM with complex experiences of PTSD, “…the effects of Sound on the physical and Emotional Self”,  “Self-care and safe practice – Group work and Counsellors” and “Journalling – A group process”. Presentations were also given on “Making self of Myself through Narrative and Music” with presentations on using GIM in professional practice, supervision and with cognitively impaired adolescents.  The closing ritual of the conference is described vividly from Connor’s embodied perspective. (p.14)

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reflection, professional development, doctoral thesis, student learning, perspectives

Heather shares her passion for writing by reflecting on her own writing journey paired naturally with her DMT practice. Encouragement is given to novice practitioners to start writing in the early stages of their careers and to continue to write and share experiences that will be valued by readers. Coming to know what you know, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it as a DMT, as well as the potential to improve one’s written proficiency are also advocated as good reasons to write. (pp 18-19 )

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A Reflection On: The Dynamic Architecture of Communication: Moving, Feeling, and Observing: Space Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)

Kinesphere, axes, planes, scales, Affect Theory, Innate primal Affects, Sylvan Tompkins

An experiential workshop led by Sandra Kay Lauffenburger in Melbourne explored the feeling of the Kinesphere, the Dimensional, Defense, and Diagonal Scales, as well as the communicative subtleties contained in each. Ties to Affect Theory were also explored. The workshop was designed for practitioners of Dance-Movement Therapy but was open to anyone interested in Laban Movement Analysis and the exploration of non-verbal communication for professional or personal reasons. It built on the basic components of the Space element of LMA through didactic, somatic, dance, and playful experientials. (pp 20-21)

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