ARBN 679434649

Beatrice Lucas

Beatrice Lucas – Bio


Born in 1955 in Lucerne, Switzerland, Beatrice Lucas completed a M.Ed. in dance education at Melbourne University, and a Dip. in Dance-Movement Therapy (IDTIA). She has worked as a dnace/movement therapist with adults in psychiatric care, and children with autism. In 1994 she moved to Kakadu and was deeply impressed by the Aboriginal people and culture. She now lives in Cairns.

The Dance from the Depths and the Dance from the Plains: comparisons and reflections on dance therapy and aboriginal dance

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 2

Keywords: Dance Therapy, landscape, transpersonal framework, horizontal plane, vertical plane, aboriginal psyche, reconciliation, belonging

Page #: 58

This paper explores the significance of landscape for the creation of authentic dances and how its shapes, forms and spiritual associations relate to the dancers identity and create meaning. The vertical and the horizontal dimensions are explored both within the dance process and within a transpersonal framework. Possibilities for ‘cross-fertilisation’ between dance therapy and Aboriginal dance is considered, taking into account research findings, psychocultural and ecological thought and insights by Aboriginal elders.

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Self-Nurture and Soul-Making Dance in the Wilderness: A Re ection

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

dance movement therapy, therapist, self-nurture, nature dance, landscape.

Page #: 200

This paper is about a recent personal experience, when after many years in autism education, I felt the need to nurture my own dance. I attended an eight day workshop entitled ‘Nature Dances’, as dance and landscapes has been a topic of interest for me for a number of years. This is therefore a subjective and autobiographical account based on reflections recorded in photos and a journal, and inspired by literary quotes. An account of the structure and intent of the workshop is followed by an exploration of the factors that made this wilderness dance experience so valuable for me. It illustrates the way dance as everyday art can be healing and possibly enhanced when taken outdoors.


“Nature Dances” – Alpe Doro, Switzerland

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 Nos. 3-4

senses, nature connection, animal symbolism, shadow, enactment, witness

Beatrice shares her experiences from a week long retreat in a wild and rugged part of her native country, where multi-modal arts were woven with dance, yoga and drama to explore inner questions connected to life meaning and purpose. She writes: “It was an incredibly enriching experience to share a week with people from various backgrounds who all struggled to reach for their truth and reveal it to the group in a very simple hut and in a very wild and rugged part of Switzerland.” (pp 15-16)

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