ARBN 679434649

Shannon Bush

Shannon Bush – Bio


Shannon is a certified coach, Transpersonal Art Therapist, has a Graduate Diploma in Business specialising in small business management, a certified Money Breakthrough Method TM Coach, lecturer, writer, visual artist and the Creative Goddess of her own life and business.  She is the Creative Possibility Coach, founder and Director of Creative Possibility.  Based in beautiful Perth, Western Australia, Shannon works with clients from around this glorious globe, leading them on personal journeys to success believing without a doubt that when you know how to leverage creativity and innovation within your business and life the possibilities are endless and the benefits permanent. She has an extensive background in arts, health and business and an abundant wealth of experience working with creativity and innovation.

Leveraging Your Creativity for Business Success

Edition: 2011 Vol. 9 Nos. 3-4

vision, private practice, networking, small business development, creative ideas

Shannon shares a few encouraging processes for launching your own creative small business, including: create a clear vision for your life and business, create a system to capture your inspired moments and surrounding yourself with an inspiring tribe.
(pp 39-41)

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