ARBN 679434649

Daria Halprin

Daria Halprin – Bio


Daria (MA, REATH, RSMTH), is a dancer, actress, poet, psychologist and teacher, and is among the leading pioneers in the field of movement and expressive arts therapy. She brings a lifelong passion and international practice with the living arts to her work. Author of  The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy: Working with Movement, Metaphor and Meaning, and co-founder of the internationally acclaimed Tamalpa Institute in California,, she teaches around the world, and leads a renowned training program in Expressive Arts Education, Consultancy and Therapy. She has evolved an approach bridging the expressive arts, psychology, somatics and performance, which has had a significant impact on students and professionals in the inter-related fields of healing arts.

New directions for the field of expressive arts

Edition: 2011 Vol. 9 Nos. 3-4

psychotherapy, community, group work, social change, healing, conflict resolution,

This article has been expanded for publication in Moving on. An abbreviated version of this article was published in In Praise of Poiesis, Part 3, for the Poesis Journal, EGS (European Graduate School in Switzwerland) Press, 2008. The author describes her own journey in the fields of expressive arts therapy and her perspective of the challenges and questions to be worked through for the field’s evolution. (pp 14-17)

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