ARBN 679434649

Lillian Thio-Kaplan

Lillian Thio-Kaplan – Bio


Lillian, Prof. Member DTAA, PACFA prov. register, Cert IV Training & Assessment, Adv Dip Business Mgmt, Grad. Dip. Dance Therapy, Cert IV Massage, M. Ed. (Sp. Ed.), MA. Theo. (Phil), BA. Bible-Theo (Spore & Texas), Dip. Arts & Design (Spore), is also qualified in American Social Dancing and Aged Care Quality Assessment. Lillian works as a consultant in dance therapy in Singapore, and other countries in Asia, carrying out training programs. She combines different modalities in her approach in the treatment of her clients and also has her own private practice in Sydney, Australia.

Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) Moves in Asia

Edition: 2014 Vol. 11 Nos. 3-4

professional development, children, developmental movement, dementia, disabilities, Kesternberg Movement Profile

Lillian a DMT pioneer in Asia, describes the rapid growth of DMT across parts of Asia including Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. Commencing with her own training in Australia and the training she initiated with DMT training in Singapore, the development is outlined in each country across a wide array of settings. DMT sessions and workshops have been offered to both professionals and groups, with further scope for broadening and strengthening the awareness and presence of DMT in Asia. (pp 63-65)

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A Therapist’s Journey is Unknown, and yet it Flows

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 No. 2

trauma, Holocaust survivors, Aged care, Jewish culture, professional development

Lillian briefly shares her journey becoming a DMT by studying in Australia as an International Student from Singapore. Her healing and transforming journey touches on her recovery from trauma and her challenges to complete her studies. She describes her uplifting and healing DMT work with Jewish Holocaust survivors in an aged care setting and encourages all students on their DMT journeys. (pp 20-21)

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