ARBN 679434649

Tripura Kashyap

Tripura Kashyap – Bio


Tripura Kashyap is a Dancer/Choreographer/Therapist based in Bangalore. She received a degree in Classical dance from Kalakshetra, Chennai. Later she was part of the Chandralekha Dance Company, Chennai, for several years. She studied DanceiMovement Therapy at the Hancock Center of Movement Arts in Wisconsin, U.S.A. She has received the Ashoka International fellowship for her innovative work in the field of dance therapy. She was choreographer-in-residence at the American Dance Festival Q,J. Carolina) where she trained in Jazz Ballet, modern dance techniques, choreography and dance theatre. She has travelled widely in India and abroad performing, conducting workshops and giving lecture demonstrations on contemporary dance and dance therapy. Currently she is director of Apoorva Dance Theatre, and is involved in choreography and performance ofmodern dance.

Dance Therapy in India

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 3

Folk dance traditions, Cultural dance traditions, Classical cultural dance

This article discusses the methods of incorporating pre-existing regional folk traditions in current dance therapy practice. The exploration concludes with further directions in performative and non-performative dance in India.

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