ARBN 679434649

Penny Rance

Penny Rance – Bio


Penny specialises in leading dance workslrcps for peo- ple with physical and/or learning disabilities and she views herself as an Arts worker rather thnn a therapist, by background, training and choice. Peruty works with children and adults in a wide variety of settings, mostly leading regular dance sessions, interspersed with short-term projects and single one-off sessions. Some of this work leads to performances by members of these Sroups. A recent exciting development is her involvement in training and mentoring other interested dance workers in the “ins and outs” of working with people with disabilities. Penny works across the range of disabilities, from the profoundly disabled through to those whose disability is invisible, as for example in the hearing impaired, dyspraxic person, or autistic child. Her work is usually with groups that vary between being integrated, discrete, across a small range of disability or across a much wider range. She has completed the Level 3 training of Sherborne Developmental Movement.

Learning through Play and Relationship – Sherborne Developmental Movement

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 2

Sherborne Development Method, Special education, Down’s Syndrome, Learning disabilities

The Sherborne Development Method (SDM) is part of an international organisation applying Laban movement analysis (LMA) to working with children in mainstream and special education settings. SDM focuses on play, awareness of others and feeling comfortable in one’s body. Three illustrative vignettes demonstrate and discuss the benefits of applying the SDM within special education settings, describing the experiential space for relational learning. (pp 10-13)

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