ARBN 679434649

Mark Hill

Mark Hill – Bio


Mark was a foundation member of the Early Music Consort of Melbourne when it was formed in 1973. Originally a journalist and teacher by profession, he has worked over the past forty years to promote Historic Arts in Australia and abroad. In 1978 he founded the Early Arts Guild of Victoria to manage performances of Renaissance and Baroque Dance and Historic Gesture which had been added to the Consort’s Early Music activities. The Guild provides courses in gesture, historic dance and brass rubbing, as well as a wide range of school programs.

When a Gesture Was Expected: Restoring a Powerful Theatre Craft

Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 1-2

performance, theatre, Helga Hill, Arts guild of Victoria, classical, body language

A discussion is presented, on the historical roots of the art of gesture and it’s evolving significance – through to the contemporary place that gesture powerfully plays in performance. Painting the scene, conveying the passions and empowering chosen words are three important aims of Gesture. And finally, from time to time, gestural poses provide glimpses of classical beauty that seem to come straight from ancient statues. (pp 36-38)

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