ARBN 679434649

Jennifer de Leon

Jennifer de Leon – Bio


Jennifer is qualified in Psychotherapy and DMT, trained in NZ, the UK and the USA. She is also a choreographer, dance performer, registered dance teacher (with NZ Association of Dance Teachers) and Director of Poyema Dance Company. She is a member of the NZ Association of Psychotherapists, Australasian Association for Theatre Drama and Performance Studies and holds a Masters degree in Health Science. She calls her work in dance psychotherapy “The Healing Dance” – specializing in discovering and working with the potential and resources of „the dancer within‟. Jennifer works from her studio in Grey Lynn. Auckland.

Dance, Stillness and Paradox

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

stillness, paradox, equipoise, therapeutic, transformational, dance-movement therapy

Page #: 192

This article is about stillness, a singular stillness, occurring within movement yet also framing, holding all movement. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological theoretical framework and drawing on my Masters research ‘Dance and Stillness’ (De Leon 2005), the poet T.S. Eliot, the phenomenological and philosophical writings of Heidegger, Merleau Ponty, Smythe, de Chardin and others, notions of equipoise and hysteresis, the potential therapeutic value of this stillness is discussed. Information is presented about the essence of the danced/ watched experience, with attention given to what constitutes stillness, its therapeutic value and how it could inform therapeutic engagement.



My House Burned Down

Edition: 2015 Vol. 12 Nos. 3-4

dance, dance psychotherapy, symbol, relinquishment, trickery, honesty

This is an excerpt from the content:

This article is about dance and therapy: it discusses how the author / dancer- choreographer / and dance therapist uses dance in her practice and how dance may be a potent tool in the therapeutic journey. (pp 15-23)

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Dance Psychotherapy ~ Therapist at work

Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 2

private practice, therapeutic relationship, mind-body-soul-spirit, attunement, existential, transpersonal

This is a brief case study, vividly describing a portrayal from the DMTs perspective, of one private dance movement therapy session with a client who is processing relational challenges within her family. (pp 24-25)

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News from Aotearoa

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 1

New Zealand dance psychotherapy, Dance performance, New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists, Healing

Advancing the filed of therapeutic dance globally, this article celebrates the first dancer to gain full registration to the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists (NZAP). Following is an exploration of dance practice, performance and scholarship, with an exploration and description of dance psychotherapy as ‘the healing dance’. (pp 17-21)

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