ARBN 679434649

Helen Payne

Helen Payne – Bio


Dr Helen Payne, PhD is a UKCP accredited psychotherapist (AHPP), Fellow and Senior Registered dance movement therapist. For over 25 years she has pioneered the development of DMT in the UK starting the professional association, first training, research and publications. She has a private practice and is a Reader in, and Head of, Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Hertfordshire where she supervises a number of PhD candidates. She trained in Authentic Movement with Dr Janet Adler (and Tina Stromsted) for six during her annual visits to Europe and in Person-Centered Counselling and Group Analysis. Helen has been developing her own form of AM, influenced by her DMT work with children with autism and emotional/learning difficulties, for over 12 years with a variety of groups and individuals.

Authentic Movement, Groups and Psychotherapy

Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 2

Authentic movement, mover and witness, collective body, body awareness

This article describes the ‘authentic movement’ discipline based on body and mind awareness and has basic importance to Dance movement therapy (DMT). This central relationship was experienced by engaging the body in a non-judgemental way. Within a tradition that encourages the process of change, two tools essential to ‘authentic movement’ were explored; analysis of the ‘mover and witness’ and the sensation of the ‘collective body’. The article concludes with further suggestions for the beneficial effects of ‘authentic movement’ outside clinical settings. (pp 16-17)

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