ARBN 679434649

Helen Anderson

Helen Anderson – Bio


Helen Anderson, Bch. App Sc.(Phty), Grad. Dip. Mvt. and Dance, Grad. Cert. Dance Therapy, is a physiotherapist and dance-movement therapist who has worked in early childhood intervention, community health and education settirtgs for the past l3 years.

Through The Eyes of Children

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 4

Early childhood intervention services, Mobility, Family engagement, Disability, Intervention programs, Intervention

Early childhood intervention services provide a team of clinicians from different disciplines to support children with a disability or developmental delay from birth until they reach school age. The specific role of dance movement therapy (DMT) in intervention for this population is not widely publicised. This article consists of three case studies of children with different diagnoses, who are attending a music and movement group in an early childhood health setting. The three intervention programs are constructed with specific aims and integrate the family in speicialised activities within a group setting. Results include emotional engagement, physical assurance and mobility. The article concludes with client feedback about the program. (pp 3-9)

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