ARBN 679434649

Catherine Threlfall

Catherine Threlfall – Bio


Catherine, (BMus (Hons) BTeach (Hons)) is a Registered Music Therapist and primary teacher. She is currently working towards her Masters in Education. Catherine has broad ranging experience working with children and families in many settings including early intervention, early childhood, special education, mainstream schooling and community arts. She has also worked in adult disability and aged care, and spent a number of years working in community cultural development in the Dandenong Ranges. Catherine is currently working as an arts-based wellbeing advisory teacher in the Northern Territory, and is based in two primary schools in the rural area of Darwin. She is a member of the National Council of the Australian Music Therapy Association, and of the Music Council of Australia. As part of these roles Catherine coordinates the Music Play for life/AMTA Making Music Being Well national celebration. Catherine plays the clarinet and performs with various ensembles around Darwin.

Musical Pathways: From the Classroom to the Community

Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 2

music therapy, disabilities, community arts, performance, special education, arts therapy

This is an excerpt from the content:

Catherine writes: “In this article I will endeavour to share some insights into my continuing journey to understand and articulate the relationship between community arts and arts therapy. In recent years the nature of “community music therapy” work has come under much discussion in the music therapy community, as more music therapists seek work in community settings and work alongside community musicians. I would like to present a snapshot of the development of musical pathways between my work in special education and the broader community, most particularly with a group of adolescents with intellectual disabilities who were participants in a music performance project.” (pp 7-9)

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ArtStories – Shared artmaking for wellbeing and learning in Northern Australia

Edition: 2007 Vol. 6 No. 2

music therapy, multi-arts approach, participatory research, education, Indigenous Communities, schools

This is an excerpt from the content:

“ArtStories is an exciting initiative of the Charles Darwin University Learning Research Group in Darwin. For the last 18 months ArtStories practitioner-researchers Anja Tait, Edel Musco and Catherine Threlfall have been growing this participatory research in five urban, rural and remote school communities in the Top End. ArtStories aims to support shared artmaking for learning and wellbeing for all members of the five school communities – in particular children in the early years of school, and their families, teachers and support staff. ArtStories is a multi-arts approach, responding to the creative interests and strengths of school community members and students. Participants create and tell stories of self, family, community and dreams, using combined arts approaches.” The research is described with a focus on each school community and the scope for developing this into other Communities. (pp 9-12)

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