ARBN 679434649

Andrea Rose

Andrea Rose – Bio


Andrea has an Associate in Science degree in dance and is a full time mother of two, currently pursuing a BSc that focuses on dance and psychology in the Integrated Studies department at Utah Valley University. As an author and contributor to the blog Andrea promotes the importance of movement as a meaningful tool in life’s journey. Her interest in the growing field of dance/movement therapy led to her certification in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis through Integrated Movement Studies (IMS) in 2008.  Andrea, whose belief in movement as a healing process drives her pursuits in the field, has taught dance classes and introductory Laban Movement Analysis in Utah and Wisconsin.

Finding Common Threads: Autism and Laban Movement Analysis

Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 1-2

Autism spectrum disorders, group therapy, relationships, movement analysis, psychophysical methods, games

This article is drawn from the Project Andrea submitted for Andrea’s certification in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis. She presents two full LMA profiles of the children in the group and brief profiles of the other children involved, and even the brief information acts as a useful program planning guide. Andrea describes two group therapy sessions that result from her planning guided by her movement analysis, the children’s personal goals and their developmental needs. She works together with the dance movement therapist at ‘Common Threads’ to plan and run the group therapy activities developmentally, incorporating  activities under headings of Breath, Core-Distal, Head-Tail, Upper-Lower, Body-Half and Cross-Lateral movements. (pp 15-23)

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