ARBN 633105736

Video Self Portrait: A Tangible Artefact of the Movement Arts

intermodal, expressive arts therapy, flow, Csikszentimihalyi, phenomenological, mirror neuron theory, authentic movement

The Halprin method of movement-based expressive arts employs the modalities of movement and dance, expressive drawing and creative writing to facilitate the creation of self portrait dances connected to real life issues. Adding the medium of video to this process enables the dancer to view their expressive movement, and to create a tangible artefact, an edited video piece. In this study a single participant is facilitated in the creation of a video self-portrait. The thematic analysis reveals ‘authenticity’ as central, relating closely to other themes such as ‘freedom’. The making of a video self-portrait facilitates a therapeutic outcome – the participant has a strong emotional and kinaesthetic response to her video piece and her experiences of the
process correspond closely to Csikszentmihalyi’s model of a ‘flow experience’. (pp 18-27)

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