ARBN 633105736

Reflections on a Trip to East Timor

professional development, on-site supervision, cross-cultural DMT, torture, trauma, refugees, asylum seekers

Alex overviews a meaningful trip to Timor-Leste, along with DMTs Kim Dunphy and Meredith Elton, to offer DMT activities across a range of group settings over a 2 week period. Gaining much more than the 30 hours of supervised practice towards her Professional Member registration with the DTAA, Alex writes about the connections with her work in Darwin working cross-culturally, and with people who have experienced torture and trauma through her role as a counsellor, with refugee and asylum seeker children and their families. The collaborative opportunities and beneficial outcomes are touched upon, with scope for exploring further applications of this work and encouragement for others to seek similar learning adventures. (pp 49-50)

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