ARBN 633105736

Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in the Treatment of Eating Disorders


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This pre-conference workshop was a part of the ADTA 46th Annual Conference, “Collaborations, Different Identities, Mutual Paths‟ held in October 20 – 23, 2011 in Minneapolis. Jane reflects on her attendance at the workshop ‘Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in the Treatment of Eating Disorders’, led by Susan Kleinman, who specialises in the treatment of eating disorders. The workshop focussed on using dance movement therapy principles as a basis for body/mind exercises to “integrate a more embodied approach into traditional psychotherapy theory and practice”. The article outlines Susan’s approach and framework with key concepts imperative to her practice including embodying ways of being that are more connected with one’s selves. Other resources such as ‘focused journaling’ are discussed and a reading list is provided for delving more deeply into this material. (pp 51-52)

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