ARBN 633105736

Venita Dungey

Vent Dungey – Bio


Venita graduated as a social worker in 1991 and since then has worked in a variety of settings including adolescent residential care facilities, foster care and community welfare organizations. She has completed two pilot projects, one of which was in the public hospital system working with child protection intervention for at risk families and one within the women’s prison system working with incarcerated women and their children. Venita has spent the last 15 years working as Social Worker and family counsellor, primarily in child and family services within the public health and welfare system. She says that Dance Therapy seemed a way to combine all her movement and dance experiences and as a result has completed the first year of the Dance Therapy program at R.M.I.T (2005). She is currently working in community health setting as Social Worker/Family Counsellor and has begun to explore ways of integrating traditional Social Work with Dance-movement Therapy in case work and group work.

Let The Therapy Begin: An exploration of the use of dance therapy with an eight year old child with attachment disorder

Edition: 2005 Vol. 4 No. 4

Kestenberg Movement profile, kinetic empathy, psycho-emotional development, mother-child relationship, attunement

Venita, a Social Worker and Family Counsellor, provides an in-depth discussion of her DMT approach to working with a child placed in permanent care, who had a range of challenges in relating and thriving. The sessions are described and discussed in connection with the literature on DMT and the child’s use of space and her movement styles are connected to the Kestenberg Movement profile (KMP). The healing qualities of the therapeutic relationship are explored and include shared language and experiences, kinetic empathy and expression of emotion, as the child was gradually able to move toward healing. (pp 12-15)

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