ARBN 633105736

Tricia Mary Lee

Reflections of jewels extracted from “Dancing in Space, Dancing in Community”

Edition: 2019 Vol. 16 Nos. 1-2

The author reflects on, what was to her, a memorable experience. This was attending a two-day workshop led by Marylee Hardenbergh, who is renowned for her development of the Global Water Dances and other site-specific dances. The ‘jewels’ of this workshop and site-specific performance it led to, at Melbourne’s Abbotsford Convent, are re-experienced by her, when recently participating in, organizing and leading a Global Water Dance event, close to her home in West Australia. These dances now take place worldwide on the same date in June each year, involving very many countries. Through the authors words, her reflections and quotes used from Marylee Hardenbergh, the occasion in Melbourne comes alive again for her and we are able to appreciate the value and benefits of ‘dancing in the community’ and of course, the framework of Space Harmony from which this is developed.

Key words: Space Harmony; dance; community; site-specific; movement choirs


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