Dance Therapy Association of Australia

Aboriginal Dances at Cannon Hill: Reflections of a Swiss Australian Dance Educator

M.Ed. thesis, University of Melbourne
Date submitted: 1995
Author / Researcher: Beatrice Lucas

This project is a case study of a series of Aboriginal dances, called “Yanatjanat”, performed at Cannon Hill in Kakadu National Park, captured on video.  The dances are about fragile Mimi spirits, who are considered ancestors of the Gagudju people, and were performed by relatives of traditional owner Bill Neidjie at a family gathering “during the dry season” (July/August) in 1993.

Its methodology draws on elements of phenomenology, case study, and dance ethnography.  Through close observation and personal reflection, the dances at Cannon Hill provided a source for understanding the significance of Aboriginal dance for the author as an individual and as an Australian dance educator and therapist.

Thesis available to read at University of Melbourne library.
See also Beatrice’s chapter in Dance Therapy Collections 2: “The Dance from the Depths and the Dance from the Plains: Comparisons and reflections on dance therapy and aboriginal dance”.