ARBN 633105736

Where you locate your body has consequences: the body as central while moving around

non-verbal communication, therapist self-reflexivity, supervision, experiential learning, arts therapies, attuning

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The initial context for my comparing modalities was an international arts therapies conference in Luxembourg 2001 (ECArTE – European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education) entitled “Exposing Difference”. In speaking to such a title in the presence of a variety of therapeutic modalities and cultures, I was drawn to search out commonality, as a frame for exposing difference. I highlighted what I perceived to be a common baseline across the arts therapies, and most therapeutic encounters regardless of their methods, philosophies, and cultures – the inevitable presence of the therapist‟s body in relation to the client‟s body. Within this paper I present a schema which offers one way of viewing the relative positionings of the therapist‟s physical body within the triangular relationship of client, therapist, art form. (pp 2-6)

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