ARBN 633105736

Performance and therapy – Dancing the space in-between

This paper presents the author’s reflections on the moment and space where a performer an d the audience meet. The author draws on material that was developed in collaboration with colleagues also interested in the moment when something private becomes something public. The author asks “Is there, within this, an opportunity and a space for heal ing, and for transformation, to occur? For the performer, for the audience, for a place?” She writes about her experiences in delivering a workshop at the D ance Movement T herapy A ssociation’s (DTAA) Conference, Broadening the Spectrum in Melbourne in 2015. She delivered this together with colleagues who joined her as co – presenters. Drawing on all their personal experiences as performers, as therapists, as researchers and as humans, she enthusiastically grasped the opportunity to deepen the conversation wit h the community about performance through an experiential approach. The experience opened – up lots of reflections that are shared in this article.

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