ARBN 633105736

Instructions for authors

The guidelines for formal articles:

  1. Manuscript Style: Submit papers in Word 2007, or above, saved as a doc./ dox.
    Use Times New Roman, font 12 and leave generous margins on all sides. Number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals, with the title page being page 1.
  2. Formatting: Do not use any special formatting
  3. Headings and title: Ensure they are in lower case not capitals, for example, Dance Movement Therapy rather than DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPY. Headings can be bolded, and sections of the text can be italicized as is appropriate. Title should be no more than 10 words and reflect the content of the article. Make sure all authors’ names are included.
  4. Bio: An up-to-date bio is required, no more than 100 words. Include qualifications, affiliations and experience of interest. If happy to do so, include email address at the bottom of the text so that interested readers may contact you.
  5. Abstract: Send an Abstract of the article of between 150 and 200 words.
  6. Key words: Provide 4 – 6 key words that reflect the content of your article.
  7. Length of article: The majority are between 4 and 12 pages, but length can be negotiated with the editors.
  8. Abbreviations: All abbreviations are to be defined at the first mention after the Abstract. They are to be spelt out in full within the Abstract.
  9. Footnotes: They should be avoided but if essential keep them brief and only to convey one idea. Our preference would be to use Endnotes instead.
  10. Permissions: Ensure that full permission is granted to use and/or cite appropriately all figures, tables, photographs, drawings, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere and are not created by the authors of the article. In situations where there needs to be written permission (where confidentiality may be breached), ensure this is completed and readily available. Copyright laws are strict and require this process and due acknowledgements. A copyright permission form is available via if needed.
  11. Illustrations: All photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts are to be numbered in a consecutive series and cited in numerical order in the text. They can all have captions to follow.
  12. Heading levels: If used there should be no more than three levels.
  13. References: Should conform to the 2009 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, Sixth Edition). Refer to this publication and follow the examples given for all in text and other reference list requirements.
  14. Reference List: Include in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Double check to ensure they are set out according to the guidelines as per APA Sixth Edition. Or, that can be found in, for example: Make sure every reference mentioned in the text is in your Reference List prior to submitting your paper.
  15. Check your paper: For spelling and grammar. Use italics for emphasis.
  16. To submit: Email as an attachment to one of the editors, or to (Editors email addresses are above).

If you want to discuss an idea, or possible contribution, please feel free to contact Jane Guthrie or Naomi Aitchison or another member of the Editorial Team.

Moving On is published once or twice per year. Contact the authors for deadline dates. Articles can be submitted at any time.

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