Dance Therapy Association of Australia

Evaluation of a movement and dance therapy program in head injury rehabilitation

M.Ed. thesis, University of Melbourne
Date submitted:  1996
Author / Researcher: Jane Guthrie

This thesis reports on the application of Movement and Dance therapy (MDT) in head injury rehabilitation. The research adopted a mixed method approach to examine whether a cause and effect relationship could be established between MDT and movement quality and control. Sub categories of questions posed related to whether MDT could increase movement range; adaptability to the environment; postural awareness and alignment, and movement confidence.

The research design and details were decided by the clinical circumstances. The study, largely empirical, also involved movement observation and subject report via documentation and interview. The major procedure was an ABA single case design. A balance of quantitative and qualitative procedures were employed including videotape time sampling of movement behaviour over nine weeks in the case design; comparisons of the subject within MDT over time; the subject’s own perceptions of change; and a time and task analysis of selected outcomes.

The research results indicated that MDT contributed to changes that occurred. The graphic displays of ABA case results demonstrated a majority of plateau or near plateau baseline situations and definite responses to treatment. This outcome was supported by the results of the additional procedures.

Although the sample size prevents generalisation of the results to the head injury population, the researcher suggests that a cause and effect relationship between MDT and the research outcomes was established. The research endeavoured to build a bridge between physiotherapy and MDT, advocating the use of the movement assessment tool, Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), in physiotherapy and MDT in rehabilitation.

Thesis details available at: