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Viewing: Sue Mullane

Sue Mullane

The supervisory material I offer embraces the principles of the embodied, creative process with an emphasis on post structural influences. This supervision approach utilizes open, exploratory, non-lineal pathways to attune to what is unique within a therapeutic endeavour, where the therapist can clarify the known and become confident to explore what is not yet known about it. Post structural influences include embracing ambiguity and uncertainty about an event or entity, and sourcing multiple interpretations of, and possibilities for, it. These influences seek to expose what might be taken for granted within the relationship, to be able to consider it differently. Central to this material is the therapist’s intellectualized, kinetic, and kinaesthetic modes of responding to the therapeutic assemblage, where attention is directed toward their aesthetic, sense-based experiences of, and with, it. This supervision material is highly personalized and contextualized, to meet the needs of each therapist and client/s as they are situated.

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