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Viewing: Jane Refshauge
Supervision offered to trainee and professional Dance Movement Therapists working in adjunctive or primary DMT roles. Framework is psychotherapeutic (transference, counter-transference, boundaries, attachment, projective-identification) with key concepts of Dr Marcia B Leventhal (5-part session ©, Stages of Therapeutic Unfolding ©, The Quantum Healing Dance Matrix ©). Focus is on establishing a nurturing, ethical, inclusive, co-created ‘space’ for supervisees and their clients. The supervisee’s dance/movement is understood to be a means through which their clients’ unconscious communication can be accessed, reflected upon and mentalized in a way that may not be accessible in words alone. Movement/dance analysis references Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), metaphor, symbol, embodied trauma, Cameron Kinetic Sensory Studies (KSS) and the developmental life cycle. Supervisees are encouraged over time to establish their own personal integrative model of Dance Movement Therapy.