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Viewing: Dr Steve A Harvey

Dr Steve A Harvey
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Steve Harvey PhD, RPT/S, BC-DMT, RPT/S is currently doing consultations in schools and is an adjunct faculty member in the Clinical Psychology department at the University of Guam. Previously Steve worked as the Consultant Psychologist with CAMHS in New Plymouth, New Zealand. He also he worked as a Child Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Colorado, USA. Prior to becoming involved in the mental health profession, Steve was active in improvisational dramatic/dance performance and in Contact Improvisation. He and his wife Connor have developed and continue to practice Physical Storytelling. Besides being registered and licensed as a clinical and educational psychologist, Steve is a registered with the American Dance and Play Therapy Associations, and the North American Drama Therapy Association. He has been an active contributor in the integration of the expressive modalities. Steve helped pioneer the field of family play therapy and has published many chapters on this topic in major play therapy texts, as well as in publications by the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Associations. He is currently presenting and publishing arts-based research using Physical Storytelling in cross cultural contexts and is a frequent contributor to Moving On. Both he and Connor have developed and lead an ongoing project-Creative Dialogues-internationally to develop creative collaborations in response to the health crisis related to COVID 19

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