ARBN 679434649

Teresa Pacchiega

Teresa Pacchiega – Bio


Teresa Pacchiega is a Registered Dance Movement Therapist (Roehampton University, UK) and clinical psychologist in Brazil. She has worked with special needs and autism populations for over 10 years and elderly clients with dementia. Teresa is a guest lecturer at universities in the states of Bahia, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro.

The Context of Dance and Dance Movement Therapy in Brazil

Edition: 2004 Vol. 3 No. 2

Dance history, professional development, Movement Psychotherapy, post graduate training, autism spectrum

The place of dance in Brazilian culture from early times to it’s present divergent therapeutic practices, introduces the challenges that prevent dance movement therapy from being fully validated and accepted as a psychotherapeutic intervention. Discussion of the processed required for professional development includes the shift of realisation of the benefits of dance and publication of articles that introduce DMT to the public. The efforts the author is going to in order to cope with the challenges, includes using new terminology and offering training at post graduate levels. (pp 12-13)

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