ARBN 679434649

Sharon Chaiklin

Sharon Chaiklin – Bio


Sharon, ADTR, DMT therapy pioneer, founding member of the American Dance Therapy Association, president of Marian Chace Foundation, studied with Chace in 1964 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington. Her article, ‘Dance Therapy’, in a 1975 edition of the American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. 5 was one of the first to outline a theoretical foundation for the profession. Her experiences as a DMT include working at Gundry Hospital, private practice, teaching/supervision at the DMT Program at Goucher College, USA.


Weaving the Threads: Dancing from One Century into the Next

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

dance therapy, history, pioneers, Marian Chace

Page #: 5

This article is based on the author’s Keynote Address. It discusses the experiences of a pioneer dance movement therapist through the years of the emerging profession and her reflections on dance movement therapy today.



Returning to the Basics of Dance/Movement Therapy Or Coming Full Circle

Edition: 2009 Vol. 8 Nos. 1-2

Marian Chace, therapeutic relationship, symbolic movement, rhythmic movement, group therapy, mental illness

The following article was written by Sharon on her presentation given at the third Dance-Movement Therapy Conference – ‘Weaving The Threads’ – in Melbourne in 2007.

This brief article overviews the concepts presented by DMT pioneer Marian Chace who worked using dance therapy from 1940 until her death in 1970. Sharon describes the essential elements used to build trust, support change and she overviews interventions focussed on by Chace. Sharon intended to “…provide some experiences to illustrate the way dance (in its broadest sense), the body, the role of the therapist, relationships with others, the process of a group all were part of Chace’s early observations and the way they affect dance/therapy practice.” (pp 2-3)

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