ARBN 679434649

Peggy Hackney

Peggy Hackney – Bio


Peggy, B.A. (psych), M.F.A. C.M.A. Registered Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA) and Certified Massage Therapist, is well known internationally for her work in Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and Bartenieff Fundamentals. She graduated from the first Effort/Shape Certificate Program in NYC and was a colleague of Irmgard Bartenieff for almost 15 years. Following this she continued to develop the Bartenieff Fundamentals and LMA in her own work with dancers, in other settings and with private clients. Peggy’s book, Making Connections: Total Body Integration through Bartenieff Fundamentals, 1998, is in its third printing (published by Routledge). She is Director and teacher in the Integrated Movement Studies (IMS) Laban/Bartenieff Certificate Program, at the University of Utah; Assistant Director of Moving On Center – a Somatics and Participatory Arts training program, and helped found the Intensive LMA Certification Programs in NYC, Seattle, Salt Lake, and Berlin.

Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis: A Vital Thread with Many Colours

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3

Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff fundamentals

Page #: 15

This article, based on the author’s Keynote Address, introduces Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals, and provides case studies of relevance to dance–movement therapists, and their application in clinical practice.


The Body Of Dance And The Dancer’s Body

Edition: 2006 Vol. 5 Nos. 3-4

LMA/ BMA, embodiment, present moment, Moving Beyond Polarities, Creative Systems theory, Aliveness

This article is the opening panel presentation presented by Peggy at the “Laban for the 21st Century Project’ apart of ‘Bratislava in Movement 2006’ in Slovakia from October 6 – 13th. (pp 13-14)

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